I have been missing for a month straight

Started by hutch--, April 19, 2023, 02:29:36 PM

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I turned up at my local coffee shop one morning as pale as a sheet and really tired so some friends dragged me off to a local medical center who them sent me straight to St Vincents hospital. I got back home to turn my computers off and close a balcony door but was then kept a prisoner for 4 weeks with endless testing and endlessly woken up with more testing.

A mate of mine came to pick me up last night and got me home in a cab but after 4 weeks of broken sleep, endless testing and no exercise, I am only just coming good, still very tired but starting to shape up OK.
The magnificent tools of the professional tailor
https://movsd.com/tailors_shears/  ;) ;D




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Feel better Hutch. I've no one else to compete with for shears :) No seriously, rest and find a proper witch doctor v. the WHO quacks.


There ought to be a witch hunt for the WHO quacks. And then, poke them with pins until they confess up and pay the victims from their own money.


Tar and feathers come to mind, for many such admin tyrant types...


Hutch - glad you're back and hopefully feeling better. Mom and I were just discussing tonight how exhausting it is to be hospitalized.


In my experience, hospitals aren't the best places to get better! Glad you're out, hope things improve soon.


Very sad to report the news but I am reliably informed that Hutch passed away the night before last. He had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer a few weeks ago. He did return home briefly from hospital but was soon readmitted and spent his last days back there in their care. Steve will be greatly missed in the street by all his friends and neighbours. He really was part of the Surry Hills landscape. I believe his mother had lived in the house before him so even those of us who are approaching 20 years as residents felt like relative newcomers. He would regularly wander up and down our quiet street to give his eyes a rest from computer programming or working on tools. Hopefully someone has access to his files so the community he built here can continue but I am not really across that. RIP Steve, Richard


I would like to express my sincere condolences on the death of Hutch He will be sadly missed.


So very sad to hear this news.  He was a very cheerful fellow.
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I am deeply saddened to hear about Hutch.


Oh, I am very moved and sad. Who thought about such an ending, reading the first posting in this thread.
He was a fine man and I think a wonderfull mechanic.
I hope he had not suffer to long. Much condolences to his beloved.
