Blind stitch machine opinions

Started by Steelmillal, February 23, 2022, 07:55:27 PM

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Hey Y'all,

Looking for advice and opinions on blind stitch machines. Spoke with Bob at Toledo Sewing to get his take on contemporary machines. He gave permission to mention.

Hoping for some candid, in the trenches viewpoints. The good, bad, ugly, and stay-away-froms. I'm kicking myself for not being able to buy my old tailor's machines when he retired, but a day late/dollar short applies to many things.

Thx loads! AL


Hi Al, did you get one already?

Cheers, Hendrick


No Hendrick, not yet. Like many things, a dollar short or day late has been applying. I've seen dozens change hands in six months and just need to have a trailer ready to load couple of tables on right day at right time.

Thankfully, I'm near to Toledo Sewing so repair is 'local'.

However, lay 'da wisdom' on me. I'd welcome anything.


Hey Al, I got my hands on a little Global blindhemmer just weeks ago and -for now_ I'm happy with it. It is basically a knock-off of the trusted Strobel ("littlest version") but it works fine for me. It has a small "rucksack" motor at the equivalent of a single amp but will eat through anything so far and frankly, I hate the whining of clutch motors. Personally I find most blindhemmers too fast for my taste, but because this has a small motor I can use an electronic footpedal for better control.

Cheers, Hendrick

ps, I got it for 75 Euros...