Gifting an account in the old Cutter and Tailor forum?

Started by Mr.gustavsson, July 02, 2018, 05:48:01 PM

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This request might not be appropriate, so please go ahead and remove the post if not.

It is currently not possible to register on the old C&T forum due to a broken Captcha. And a lot of the content is hidden from non-members.

So, I want to ask if anyone is willing to give up their account. Meaning, handing it over to me. It should be possible the change the email address and password in the forum settings.

Pleas shoot me a pm if interested. I'm not talking about "buying" an account. Just a friendly gesture.



Maybe there is information not open to the general public.


yes, exactly Greger. That's why I'm looking for a way to get an account. Since it's impossible to sign up due to the broken captcha.


May be more beneficial to browse the forum then access captured pages from web crawler archive. The big plus is photos are intact v. Photobucket blackouts.


That might be a good idea. Have to google how that works though. Never used anything like that..


I just blindly steamrolled into it trying with typing wayback machine, cutter and tailor forum, etc. two more clicks and I was staring at canvas construction photos. Just dive in and enjoy proper artisanship. Cheers!



Quote from: Steelmillal on July 16, 2018, 11:27:09 PM
I just blindly steamrolled into it trying with typing wayback machine, cutter and tailor forum, etc. two more clicks and I was staring at canvas construction photos. Just dive in and enjoy proper artisanship. Cheers!

I gave it a try this morning and it seems to work as you say to get the old photos back. Which is great news!

But, there is still the problem with all the information hidden behind the closed door. Like in the "The Advanced Apprentices' Forum".


I'm sorry I am unaware of any hidden content. There has been a few forum 'events' in the past that caused some things to fall away after things were reset; photos, links, posts, etc., weren't restored. As I'm not privy, I'm only speaking from a grateful forumite's perspective

Best suggestion is wayback machine and diligent practice 'til you go nearly blind'.


Quote from: Steelmillal on July 18, 2018, 10:58:27 PM
I'm sorry I am unaware of any hidden content. There has been a few forum 'events' in the past that caused some things to fall away after things were reset; photos, links, posts, etc., weren't restored. As I'm not privy, I'm only speaking from a grateful forumite's perspective

Best suggestion is wayback machine and diligent practice 'til you go nearly blind'.

There are some sub forums that are locked from being viewed by non-members unfortunately (advanced apprentice forum for instance). And the wayback machine can't access them neither. :(

Thom Bennett

I don't think that there is any "hidden" content when browsing C&T as a non-member, one must can't make any posts until one is registered. Someone else pointed out to me that the captcha has broken. I assume that this is a global issue for forums run by IPS Community.  The only content that I know as "lost" is the photobucket content, apart from my posts which seem to still show up in my threads!

So I logged out to have a look at content, well how flipping' annoying! I'll take all that back, I've never noticed that stuff is blocked to non-members!
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Probably not as their login is broken. Unfortunate as it was once a useful site.
The magnificent tools of the professional tailor  ;) ;D

Thom Bennett

Yeah I could log back in, just was shocked to see that there is a limited amount of information available to non-members.  Normally you would be able to all but not make any comments, as here. It's just the sign up for new registration "captcha" is broken.
"Tailored with Love and Passion"

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Thom Bennett Bespoke Ltd "Reassuringly Expensive"


The tailoring world has pretty much blocked some content from the non-tailors to protect the industry.