Trouser crotch depth for men

Started by nailclipper, August 11, 2023, 12:27:00 AM

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Hey guys, been thinking more about trousers now that i'm helping someone draft. Have mostly just drafted a good enough pair just for myself.

Few questions that are on my mind, but will leave other questions for another topic since forums are designed as such.

1. Crotch point/Depth for Men.

Where do you guys measure the start?

A. Crown jewels or
B. Where the 2 legs join


With trousers on set the waistband at the height that is most comfortable. Comfort of the waistband, not Comfort elsewhere. Measure from the top to the floor.
Next. Adjust crocht at most comfortable location. Measure from there to the floor.
The difference is what matters.
Some guys allow their privates to fall down the left or right pant leg. They will most likely pull the crocht higher. These trousers need to be cut for this. Some tailors cut all their trousers with a bit of "dress".


Where the crotchline falls can be dependent on style. With narrow-legged trousers, you really want the crotch to be at the top of the inside leg, or very slightly bellow. If it drops too low it can restrict your walking. Less of a problem with more voluminous, pleated, 'older' style cuts that have more ease around the upper legs.

Incidentally, a non-intrusive way of taking someone's inside leg is to take a thigh circumference measurement from the outside of the leg. Ask the person to hoick up one side of their trousers into the nook where their inner leg joins the trunk. Slide the measure up to this point, eyeball its position  on the outside of the leg, then - having asked the person to keep the trousers hoicked - release the measure and drop it to the floor from that point.