How do side adjusters actually work?

Started by SO_tailor, June 06, 2023, 09:33:51 AM

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Hey all! I've have been thinking about this for a while but how do side adjusters like these actually work?

If (like the image above) the straps are stitched together and don't have any elastic waistbands like how some MTM manufacturers do it, how do they loosen the trouser waist line? I understand how they would tighten the trousers, but don't see how they can loosen after a "pleasant" meal. Would they loosen from stretch work in the waistband? Or is the waist made bigger?



They tend to naturally slip/loosen throughout the day, so you're more likely to be pulling them tight than loosening them.  :)

That aside, to loosen you simply angle the buckle and push the top part of the strap through, then yank on the bottom fold of the strap to pull it through.

I have long legs so don't wear waisted trousers (they elongate the body and make me look like an ostrich). Side adjusters don't work on low-rise waists because there's nothing to grab onto over the hip. However, a single back-adjuster works well as it hugs the small of the back and I am partial to them. They're pretty difficult to loosen though!  (can't see what I'm doing).


If I'm getting this correctly, would I make the waistband a little longer in size then maybe (then which I would tighten it to size)?


Quote from: SO_tailor on June 07, 2023, 01:17:08 AM
If I'm getting this correctly, would I make the waistband a little longer in size then maybe (then which I would tighten it to size)?

No, you make the waistband to size, or slightly smaller so that it pinches and mostly holds up by itself. The adjustors merely seal the deal, so to speak, making things more secure (much like a belt does). If you have a loose waistband then the adjustors aren't going to do their job and/or you'll have noticeable gathers of cloth at the sides.


I understand your question now (the way you phrased things was a little ambiguous).

It's all relative. Personally, I make my waistbands as described in my last post. Some people don't like any pinching prior to engaging the straps, so the waistband might have a little more ease. I don't like this. As mentioned, it the waist is too loose cloth at the sides gathers noticeably when the adjustors are pulled.

A slight pinch round the waist is barely noticeable. So loosening the straps to such a state feels like the waistband is expanding. Think of adjustors like a belt and cut your waist and waistband accordingly.


Quote from: Gerry on June 07, 2023, 04:33:39 AM
I understand your question now (the way you phrased things was a little ambiguous).

It's all relative. Personally, I make my waistbands as described in my last post. Some people don't like any pinching prior to engaging the straps, so the waistband might have a little more ease. I don't like this. As mentioned, it the waist is too loose cloth at the sides gathers noticeably when the adjustors are pulled.

A slight pinch round the waist is barely noticeable. So loosening the straps to such a state feels like the waistband is expanding. Think of adjustors like a belt and cut your waist and waistband accordingly.

Thanks Gerry :D! I apologize for my vagueness to my question (I've honestly always have struggled to put my thoughts to words). If you don't mind may I ask what you meant by "pinching"? When you said "pinching" are you referring to it pinching inward or outwards towards the trousers sideseam, or both? (Also If I'm getting this right: the pinching form when the waist is a cut a little smaller or am I wrong?)


Quote from: SO_tailor on June 07, 2023, 06:03:25 AM
Thanks Gerry :D! I apologize for my vagueness to my question (I've honestly always have struggled to put my thoughts to words). If you don't mind may I ask what you meant by "pinching"? When you said "pinching" are you referring to it pinching inward or outwards towards the trousers sideseam, or both? (Also If I'm getting this right: the pinching form when the waist is a cut a little smaller or am I wrong?)

By pinching, I just mean a little snugness/tightness. What those in the US call 'cinching'.

You can make a waistband an inch or two smaller than measured so that trousers stand by themselves. How tight that feels depends on person-to-person. A waistband cut to the exact waist measurement, or with a slight pinch/cinch (smaller in diameter), will look cleaner after the adjustors have been engaged, because less material needs to be pulled in to get a secure waist. And most won't feel any tightness once the straps are loosened. Nothing that is restrictive, at any rate.

If someone is prone to weight gain, then this approach perhaps isn't the best way to go; but on the whole, I think it looks cleaner.


Ah now I see  thank you so much Gerry for explaining. :D (sorry if I was being a bit of a nuisance).


Sorry, I meant smaller in circumference, not diameter. Slip of the brain. :)