look what an austrian tailor does:
Learn the tailoring trade from scratch. Practice-oriented, with an insight into an Austrian premium crafter. Learn to sew like a professional, with simple "learning by doing" video instructions from practice.
We are often asked and sometimes even criticized why we share all of our knowledge. As one of the oldest tailor shops in the world, we have accumulated generations of knowledge, practice and experience. As an award-winning training company, we have been training apprentices, masters and designers for 9 generations.
Unfortunately there are fewer and fewer training companies to teach the tailoring trade from scratch. And we, too, can only take on and train 1-2 new apprentices a year in our company in Salzburg.
"We are noticing this trend more and more. I am of course pleased that so many people are interested in this beautiful craft. But at the same time it pains me that we have to turn down dozens of qualified applicants every year who want to learn our fine craft. "- Stefan Wimmer
In the first unit you will learn to sew a simple A-line dress at the Schneider Academy. In the video you look over the shoulder of the master tailor. You sew together a first dress while you get important tips and tricks for a clean and effective production. No one can do the practicing of the skills for you. As a reward for each unit, you will receive a finished piece of clothing that by far exceeds the value of the material and course.
I think that is a good idea and if it is ineresting for you I will write here from time to time from some "apprentices" who have enrolled.
Looks great!
I will certainly like to hear about the experience.
I looked at your website; had to translate it to English. It's done very well.
Wish I was living there.
Please keep us informed. Thanks