Hi everyone, i am actuallly on a trousers, i am soon at the waistband and i want to get a maximum of informations before begin her. I have nobody to teach me but i want to do a good first pants so i ask this question here. I am intereted by every techniques to build the inside (pockets, pockets bags, zip...) and the waistand. I am interested by EVERYTHING which will help me to learn, nothing will be useless to me. If you have some precise pic i will liked her.
Thanks for everything and excuse me for this wave request but i don't know how to learn alone and excuse me too for my English (i am a young french student:)
Thanks y'all
It is the link that I found very helpful to me when I was new to this area. I am sure you will enjoy it as much as I do.
Good luck and have fun.
Thanks but i have ever seen these videos
The best waistband I found in a description made from Terry.
Some where on her blog:
The waistband does not roll and is a pleasure to wear.
For trousers (which goes into the wash bin) I have another method which gives good results too. I use a stiff inlay for shirt collars instead of the ????? ( do not remember the english name)
Quote from: posaune on September 23, 2020, 09:31:17 PM
The best waistband I found in a description made from Terry.
Some where on her blog:
The waistband does not roll and is a pleasure to wear.
For trousers (which goes into the wash bin) I have another method which gives good results too. I use a stiff inlay for shirt collars instead of the ????? ( do not remember the english name)
Oh gosh, I will have to look and see if I can find it!
It may have been this post?
http://atailormadeit.blogspot.com/2014/08/creating-waistband-unit.html (http://atailormadeit.blogspot.com/2014/08/creating-waistband-unit.html)