In an earlier epoch, I used to build wooden boats. While looking for pattern drafting curves, I found a pair of ship curves reminders...
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Given human size ranges, and something I recently read on a Russian site about proportion, the possibility for artistic curves are broad indeed. Also, this thread may inspire newbie-umsie to post draft efforts for critique help...
So, show us your curves!
A few more for inspiration...
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And some that can be clip sniped, printed, and duplicated...
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...The alvin curves above are a shelf item that can be ordered...
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...The ships curves here are in every marine architects books starting way back. L. Francis Herreshoff books always have pages on them. I'm sure Scandinavian books have better...
Nice! So many hips, so many curves :)
Yup! Hips, darts, waists, sleeves, armscye, collars, etc... And over here in the States, we've grown some very large kids lately. I've a tall niece whose boyfriend is 6'6", 325#, and all neck! I think being skilled in drafting accurately will continue to be useful in the coming years, especially as factory standardization frustrations brings cause for individual style and expression, let alone disproportionate figure fit...
...So on that note if anyone wishes for the endless variety of sweeps, type into your browser "NACA airfoil curve pdf" and read away. What will come up, as well as many Uni papers, is old date for National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, which became NASA in 1958. X/Y Coordinates are there to hand draft curves, or design your own without need of CAD, with just pencil and paper and an eraser...
Thought I was looking at Boomerangs and throw sticks from Australia.
Over time, if you draw a lot, it might be helpful to use drawing aids less and less. It takes lots of consecration.
I do own a few curves but I have rarely ever found the right curve for what I have to do so I draw them by hand which is infinitely flexible, all it takes is a bit of practice and know what you are looking for.
Even bricks fly. We used to see them lots in 1980s NASCAR. ;D
I draw horrible curves and need aids. Too much engineer, too little artist.
Anyway, while recently looking for new curves online, I saw one that reminded me of a wing's cross section, and it made me pull Abbott's wing book out. Figured to share easy data for what I found useful to make v. purchase.
Apart from a common thick acrylic French curve, I also have two thin, wooden curves I found at a flea market. They were made quite locally on Lauwerecht in Utrecht. I'm guessing around the '40s or '50s. The ends are cut with an ornamental edge.
One is a simple hip curve (with about two inches snapped off the end) and the other is very curved at the wide end, so works for armholes. I also use the first one for shaping long lapels. I got all these in a job lot of wooden drawing aids - two T-squares and a long flat straight. Also a very nice metre stick with a brass end ferrule and brass block at the thumb-point near the handle. It has a 'H' with a crown over it engraved in the wood. Don't know who made it though.
Some time ago I bought a couple of squares that both had a long curve on one side but the person I was going to give them to has passed away.
Bumping this for continuity. This was extracted from a Chapelle small craft book. It took me an age to find it and was inspired by an old Riva blueprint too shoddy to clearly make out.
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The trouser curve is something I've not seen before and this process works a treat as opposed to having a string 12-20 feet out and sweeping an arc. I've two more methods I will post soon and are for hip curves, sleeves, and armholes. Since we all can only get alloy or plastic, why not teach how to make one's own, yeah?
Thanks Steelmillal,
I've never been able to get my hands on a trouser curve that I've liked yet.
Sir, yes Sir.
I'll try to bang out the drawings tonight and write up some kind of explanation, as well as polish up the second book extraction.
Hm that drawing basically amounts to a slightly modified and stretched sine. Maybe I will figure out the actual function on my lunch break tomorrow...
I'm looking foreward to the promised follow-up post as well :)
This is sounding quite interesting. I have an artist in me - that doesn't get out much - and along with actual hand drafting training (learned young so well imprinted on my brain ;) ) I 'm happy with free handing, necks, scyes, and rises - even waists, but whenever I get to the hip I'm muttering under my breath about not having bought a damned curve!
This sounds like a good idea to me!
Thank you, Steelmillal!
A wee bit of math, some pencil/paper prattle, and some true art...
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I'll clean this up when I have more time. Just try it... Be the curve... And look back at the earlier post photos and pick a project to duplicate for your studio.
Nicework, thank you.
Applications where it can be seen a variety of curves on hand are useful. I have a pizza box to show full size when I get done with it, haha..
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Can you show the mathematical proof of the vernier?
I'd like to see that , too. Let it rip Schneiderfrei! 8) Here;s the equation:
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I don't see where Vernier entered the conversation? What in this post was the request about Vernier in reference to?
LindyBalboa, slide rules, ancient history.
Schneiderfrei, I know what slide rules are, but so far as I know, they don't have anything to do with Vernier scales. Slide rules use log spacings and Verniers use unequal scale spacings, each for totally different purposes.
Oh, I forgt, its been a while. Plus I was trying to remember the proof recently.
When you recall, Schneiderfrei, I'd really like to see it. I've looked and can't find it yet. Finding the equation was a fluke. I was a "latch key kid" and handed a calculator in the 80s. Much appreciated, Sir.
Quote from: LindyBalboa on October 20, 2021, 04:50:22 AM
I don't see where Vernier entered the conversation? What in this post was the request about Vernier in reference to?
He was clowning around, LindyB. Something about being upside down on the other side of the world lets the blood rush to his head... ;D
I do want to see that proof, tho G, in all seriousness. It'll be handy when my our President turns our electricity off... ;)
I feel robbed with curves, I bought a nice pair privately that I was going to give to a friend of mine but she passed away before I could send them to her. They are no use to me as I have always drawn things freehand. I don't get the discussion about vernier calipers, nothing in fabris would have a use for them as fabric is a flexible medium.
Just as an aside, I recently picked up a brand new pair of 12 inch Mitutoyo calipers from AliExpress as Mitutoyo have a shop there. Magnificent tool but I also have a pair of Swiss made Etalon 12 vernier calipers that are very rare and they are perfect, A friend gave them to me.
I never the discourage blood from getting to my brain. ;)
Here's another method, but seems a very clunky way.
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I draw curves like I've had my second stroke. They always look like I'm falling off my chair, so aids are required for me. :D
I looked on the drives for a photo of Fairgate stuff to copy via tangent method and this came up from the past..
For those who don't know, you can navigate the old forum within archive, iff you're not geo-blocked. No guarantees but it sometimes works.
Something recently found with a grid for scale. Peace, Y'all.
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yeah, yeah, I know. But y'all aint gonna see another one today...
Just look at those curves...
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Bought these of cbay last year. They are stainless steel and were from someone from Ford made a longtime ago by hand, no CNC. I'm off to office supply to find a grid transparency. Hopefully I can scan them individually with a 'zero' reference so anyone, anywhere can print and cut and paste on something to make your own. Enlarge, shrink. Whatever.
No grid to be had. Will try direct scanning and hope stainless doesn't wash out or reflect too much. I'd like to find one of these, too, but didnt capture the poster in the screenshot. Anyone have similar or seen who sells them? Be great in stainless, but the 'parabola' method I outlined up-thread would be the hand construction method if need be. Taped up cardboard would for a while.
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Made a hash of it, and also lefts and rights. Think print, cutout, tape onto substrate, and exacto out shape. I have some scrap vinyl flooring for odd curves. Think thin luan plywood from flooring shops would be very cheap and universally ta' hand. Used MS paint to flip and it looks like one may scale and morph is other shapes wanted, using the lpg files as base. Rgds.
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