The link given here goes to the website of former C&T member "Reverend Ratspeed" (J Kelner) who no doubt spent a great deal of time OCR-ing and resetting the entire first volume of MTOC (1949) and generously put it up for download.
On his site you can download the entire book in low-res, hi-res and also the In-Design files. The individual chapters are also listed for separate download.
MTOC ( at Brass & Mortar.
Note too that his resetting of J.E. Liberty's Practical Tailoring, 1933 (originally posted to C&T by Kerry Goodrich) can also be downloaded there.
Site not available
I get "Website Coming Soon" so it will be up and running eventually.
Have a look here
Splendid find thank you jeffrey :)
You're welcome Graham. I actually just found this moments before I posted the link here. I often forget how extensive this library is. When my finances stabilize I will make a donation to, they have supplied me with so much reading and learning materials on many different topics I feel that I must do whatever I can to keep it running.
The photos are not good. Maybe the scanner was dirty, too. But, the information is nice. Looked at volume 3, some.
I downloaded the reset version from Brass and Mortar ages ago, so I should still have them.
Quote from: Greger on March 05, 2017, 06:02:39 PM
The photos are not good. Maybe the scanner was dirty, too. But, the information is nice. Looked at volume 3, some.
Yes I agree. The photos are not good but the text is still very informative. This is a good find until a clean scan or good condition set of books can be found.
I downloaded it and had a look at the file but its been scanned with too much contrast and it has wrecked the photos. The text is readable and the patterns look tolerable but the photos have been ruined by the level of contrast. It would have been interesting to see what shape the books were in that were scanned.
The books seem okay, but I think they were just scanned in B/W for speed. They seem to be from an Indian source.
Towards the bottom of the pages the scanner was dirty.
The normal copy (i.e. not the resetting) is available here (