I can across today to a series of wonderful videos. Vitale Barberis Canonico (Italian wool mill) did 12 episodes titled Tailor tips.
t is so nice to see.
I'll download them all and will look when I have enough time. In my eyes outstanding.
(Par example in # 11 there is shown the dressing of a trousers.)
Thank you posaune, they look great. His actions are very expressive.
Yes I love these videos.
These are great, thnaks! I sent them to my team too.
I like his proud smile.
I watched a few of the videos, unfortunately I cannot understand one single sentence, I watch closely and try to "understand why he did it that way. It is sometimes a panic, because I wish I understand or has someone who can translate it. With the technique of internet, you can get every single word translated, but not a speech. sigh.
However, you can find something you have not learned before, and it is a star. You can always find some treasure from different videos from different tailor. I enjoy very much watching them doing the same thing but with they own way to do it. Where I really really improve my sewing skill, both machine-sewing and hand stitching.
Watch this hand-sewing of Sergey, I am thrilled to do my lining with this method, I am so proud of it, it is amazing. His hand sewing is marvelous!
On those Italian YouTube videos you can just turn on the subtitles in English.