No rush on this, but I have to admit my one and only thimble is gone - heaven knows where. Could be in a crevice in the sofa...... May have fallen into the trash and now lives in a landfill....(2 watches met that demise).
Does any one have a US thimble chart vs a metric sizing system. Started to order a sizing guide, but I can get several thimbles for that price! (7,8,9,10, etc vs mm)
No rush, just thought I'd post while it was on my mind. (Sorting supplies today.....)
Hope everyone else's Christmas is a bit more festive!
This maybe:
Found this: (
I dont know if it is the right section or if i should create a new one.
I am looking for a nice thimble. I sas thinking about a ring one.
The problème is that none of my teacher or collègues are using some.
So i dont know if it is practical or not, if it is better than an open thimble and where to buy a nice one ( not cheaponium metal one that rust onto my finger (like my actual one).
Have a nice day.
Again sorry for the bad english.
I use a "Lacis" thimble, made of copper. Not everybody likes them, especially people with "sweaty" fingers. Every now and then, when it is really hot, I use a little quilters' ring from Clover; small and bendeable, but also extremely "loseable"... Both are easy to find on Ebay...
Do stay away from thimbles made in zamac and other "pot metals"; copper is a body friendly metal; aluminium is not!
Don't forget peterle's suggestion from long ago, Yubinuki.
I have tried, but felt defeated, I have'nt given up though. I have the plan, the silk and the challenge is there.
other than that, I bought these:
but didn't see these at that time -
Saw these but lacked the funds - Actually that one's lovely
Thank you both all your answer.
It is time for me to buy a new one, the one that i am actually using since September leave on my finger "balck/dark grey rust mark" and a strong metal smell.
Thank you also for the lacis shop. The website doesn't seems to be very ergonomic but the product seems nice. I think i'll buy one there.
The "fabric" thimble is a nice idea i'll try this too.
Have a nice day.
You can heat them up a bit and hammer the roundness more oval. I actually put mine in a vice cold and tightened the vice until oval that is closer to fitting my finger. Making your own by the lost wax method perhaps is the best method (some tailors love their silver thimbles).
Thoughts for how a thimble should fit. Other tailors may have other explanations. Put your finger into different size thimbles until one the tip of the finger touches the table and when lifting the finger, the thimble stays on.
How to use a thimble. The bottom two rows of dimples is where the needle goes.
Laurent - it sounds as though you may have the same problem I have. Something about our skin has negative reactions with most metals. Silver, aluminum, nickel and copper are all potentially problematic for me. Even gold sometimes. Stainless steel seems to work best for me. My skin doesn't eat thru it nor do I have a problem with the black residue.
I inherited this from my Dad. He also did well with stainless steel.
Silver and gold in and of themselves are not problems for any skin, it is impurities or intentional alloys usual nickel and sometimes copper.
That's it. Our bodies handle zinc, iron, copper, silver, gold, magnesium etc. quite well, need them actually I think some reactions have to do with the Ph of transpiration.. I have a nickel allergy since childhood. Even the nails on the rivets and buttons of my jeans burnt me and still do. Most belt buckles do the same...
You can paint the inside of a thimble with clear nail polish to see it it helps.
I have a thimble that is slightly too big, and I used a small strip of cloth bandage tape on the inside to take up some of the extra space.
I tend to « lose « things right on my table as well as at the sewing machine and the iron station, and in my pockets,, so I have at least 7 thimbles just to make sure I can find them when needed. One in my knitting kit and one in my backpack, you get the picture😁
Thank you for all your answer. Yes I think my skin/sweat react with some metal. However, this do not create any kind of allergic reaction ( for the moment). I am currently looking for a silver or gold one. I've seen some nice one.
Have a nice day and sorry for the late reply.
it is nice to know about the nail polish.
Wearing metals is something I try not to do but as far as thimbles, I can pinch a needle hard enough not to need them although its only for stitching buttons on, nothing fancy.
This is the thimble page of Bohin France. I believe they deliver internationally. I use the serie luxe version which is wonderfull to use. But they have the ring version aswell.
Thanks Pfaff260!