January 2018
The new location at present. Thanks to Ruvort for finding it.
For anyone in the future looking for this resource, here is an updated link:MTOC_VOL_II.pdf
Hi Greger, is there any source for the first volume?
Don't know anymore. One person re-did it, but it had some errors in it, which is so easy do. OCR does a great job, but not perfect, and noticing all the errors doesn't happen. Sometimes need to step away for several months to clear the mind, and then start over. Two people went through it and still errors. I was going to go through it and send my corrections, but haven't done that. This is the brass and mortar place.
Where the original scans are I think is long gone. Someone offered to do VOL_III. Which is an interesting one, too.
It's in my drop box Graham, a full colour scan not OCR. I have three but not scanned, may do one day if I get the time.
Thanks for that Tom, I like to make sure with these things.
DZ is probably right about it being less actual material than the Rundschau books but I like English style too.
English cut is great, especially some of the older ones with their swept back shoulder line. I haven't made a proper study of the German cut but will when time allows. Graham, don't know if you can help but have been trying to find Italian drafting systems from the early 1960s. There is supposed to be something on C&T but I can't locate the thread, any ideas?
The link appears dead, would someone mind posting an updated source?
Hi Lindy,
Try these links: