I'd like to recommend this book as an alternative to Cabrera and more in line with French and British bespoke methods.
(https://s15.postimg.org/tdr8vjxo7/51_O9jl_Nu70_L_SX358_BO1_204_203_200.jpg) (https://pixxxels.org/image/tdr8vjxo7/)
Good for you Jones, its high time that a French book surfaces on these fora. :)
I like this work! Clean and approachable. The only thing I don't like, is for certain operations, they refer you to to Claire Warginer's series "Details De Mode a la Loupe" which are based upon factory short methods. Other than this, it is a valuable resource.
i also bought this book but as a second book at the beginning of my learning, it's good, but not enough for a stand alone study of the field, it's a summary of techniques, that tailors can compare to the ones they already studied, but it does not go very deep, and some step, (may be minors to the author) are lacking.
on good side, pictures are very good, and it's a book to have if you already have others on the subject.
hope this help
Thank you for your review Fabien. Its good to hear your view.