I'm looking for "Schnittechnik der Damenbekleidung - Konstruktionen für Jacken und Mäntel" circa 1970's.
If anyone has a copy they are willing to sell, please let me know. I've managed to get most of the Müller und Sohn books I wanted, but this one is eluding me. I would also be interested in 1970's issues of Rundschau for women's fashion, if anyone has them.
I have nearly finished transcribing "Konstruktionen für Blusen und Kleider" (20th edition) and have about 30 pages left to type. Fortunately Google Translate helps fill in the gaps of my understanding of German...! ;)
Quote from: Futura on February 12, 2017, 08:40:54 AM
I'm looking for "Schnittechnik der Damenbekleidung - Konstruktionen für Jacken und Mäntel" circa 1970's.
If anyone has a copy they are willing to sell, please let me know. I've managed to get most of the Müller und Sohn books I wanted, but this one is eluding me. I would also be interested in 1970's issues of Rundschau for women's fashion, if anyone has them.
I have nearly finished transcribing "Konstruktionen für Blusen und Kleider" (20th edition) and have about 30 pages left to type. Fortunately Google Translate helps fill in the gaps of my understanding of German...! ;)
It is probably the red book. I have the latest of this edition, so it might be the one you are looking for. I don't have a copy, and I have no access right now.