this I found today and I think it is very impressive even if you do not speak Dutch. And not only for woman. I too think that the pages are interesting to read too.
Draping on a live model.
I have done that once or twice when the body in question was quite disproportionate and I felt that I would get a better result more quickly than flat pattern drafting and then making a mock up.
Draping is very informative for sure. Once you have a drape, you need to make it into a paper pattern and it does help to know something about how patterns are flat drafted so you can make small adjustemnts as necessary because fabric is easily distorted in draping. It is good to use a large check fabric as they have done as it shows when you have pulled too much one way or another.
That model has a very long neck doesn't she?it is also interesting to notice the small disproportions that everyone has, one shoulder lower, one hip higher etc.
Thanks for sharing that video.
I agree Terri, even if I'm not able to do this with myself - the video itself can teach me to get an eye for disproportions.
I was surprised how she handled the neck. First seeing all the careful preparation and then using this crude template for the cut out. In the last pics she showed the correction.
I agree about the template being a crude shape.
I suppose it gives them a standard shape to begin with every time rather than clipping the fabric on the person and drawing the correct neck line as part of the process.
Thank you posaune that is very interesting and seems unique. I like the use of the large checks. Is this a kind of draping technique?
Well, at least this time the bot brought up something I needed to look at its not all bad! ;D