We used to use Halveys these at college to learn so I thought I would buy one, with arms to learn and practice my cutting of waistcoats and stuff. I can add bits to change the shape of the body so I can try to understand the relationships of different body types to the necessary pattern alteration.
Half Scale Dummies (http://halfscaledummies.co.uk)
Hmm, 100-odd quid for only a half-size dummy? I have two dummies at size 46 and 48 chest (euro sizes) and they take up a fair bit of space.
They're great if you are learning as it is quicker, also if one is a designer as they are perfect 50:1 scale dummies so all one need to do is scale up to normal size. I started learning by wanting to make clothes for myself however when I started on this waistcoat draft I realised that I might find it easier to work in the way I did as a student, all those years ago. I am getting a couple of strange results from the SB corpulent waistcoat, so I thought it might be a wiser approach to work as a student again and draft in half scale. It is quicker to produce a garment, and, it uses less cloth so mess-ups aren't too costly; I also have loads of scrap to use. I have a full size adjustoform (http://www.adjustoform.com/adjustoform/available-online/) tailors dummy which I am adding some lumps and sags to in order to help me learn to fit.
Apart from all that guff, I was searching for an original antique one and came upon this website, it's a shame that they don't do legs for the trouser form.
Corpulent? You don't look portly in the photos Tom ;)
I knew them only for ladies.
page 5 bild 9 in 1/3 or in 1/2
We did have a wife for Halvey too, depending on what you wanted to study really. I would love to have an original, but maybe I might try one of these. I can't tell if berliner-buestenfabrik.de/ still sell them as or any prices, sorry I don't speak German. I have thought about finding some brave souls to cover me in tape and stop create a custom form.
I used to be 18 stone Henry, now 12, I have a lot of looseness and bumps in the wrong places. :'( Maybe I could try a standard draft, I do have an over developed left shoulder due to my walking stick. I keep trying to use my right hand but I am a leftie and it is just natural to pick it up with my left one. ???
this is one of best videos I know about doing a dummy.
If you can't stand as long, take two chairs and stand between. Then you can lean on the backs. If there are 2 people to wrap you, you must calculate about 1 hour.
Ah great posaune, thanks a lot m'dear. Sadly I don't think my friends' will be so accommodating, I'll have to find another way to do it.
Quote from: tombennett on May 08, 2016, 07:23:21 AM
Ah great posaune, thanks a lot m'dear. Sadly I don't think my friends' will be so accommodating, I'll have to find another way to do it.
Easiest is to get a 3D scan of yourself and calculate from the point cloud co-ordinates for an XYZ-router or milling machine to mill the shapes out of blocks of foam. Alternatively, calculate the shapes of thin slices of foam that can then be stacked to produce a (scaled or not) dummy. Calculation takes a few seconds on a computer, but I'm sure that the traditionalists who prefer to do everything by hand would happily spend four years pressing buttons on a hand calculator.
There are companies that do it all for you, if your own 3D scanner happens to be unavailable, for instance this one:
dittoform.com (http://dittoform.com)
Thanks Lepus, I'm planning on visiting the US this year so I may pop in and get a scan, with a quick search I can not seem to find a similar service in the UK. I wonder if there is a need for this kind of service over here?
Maybe they can help you? http://www.kennettlindsell.com/
Or these? http://alvanon.com/contact-us/
Here in the Netherlands it's abit of a niche market, but you can get them.
Friends of mine had them made here. http://www.verswijveren.nl/index.htm They are perfect. Real pro.
He does it with tape aswell.
If all else fails then a Kennit & Lindsell model might be good place to go, thanks pfaff260, I did say it was a cursory search. :( I think I will give them a call. A friend goes to the Netherlands on a frequent basis so I could catch a lift and visit Verswijveren Mode sometime, thanks for all the info. Still on the look out for a vintage half-scale model.