Well it might tenuously be clothing related, but whatever. I can't believe Prince was reported dead an hour ago. It's really out of the blue.
This year seems to have had more than its fair share of deaths in my personal realm. Actors I have known and clothed, friends and colleagues, four in the past month alone.
Such a sad passing. I suspect most of us are of an age that these things will only become more common. My Mom & Dad, 77 & 82 respectively, stopped attending funerals for the most part, a few years ago. One can only spend so much time assessing one's own mortality.
The passing of our contemporaries in later life can be more difficult than those lost unexpectedly in our youth.
It seems to be the case that so many of those you knew and listened to are dropping like flies. It varies from person to person but sex'ndrugs'nrock'roll does not seem to be a formula for long life.
Hutch! Don't say its true!
Maybe I'll just cut out the drugs and the rock 'n' roll and see how it goes form there.
With marijuana legal in this state I've found it is better to mow the lawn earlier in the day. All that evening smoke drifting over two fences got rid of my headache while mowing the lawn. Yeah, I decided to mow just part of the lawn and finish another day.