I am looking for a suppy of woven white extra crisp fusible shirt collar interfacing as it seems we have run out of it and our usual supplier is out of it as well. It has a nice hand, tight weave, and needs to be fused on a press not just with an iron. I think it used to have wording in pale blue along one selvedge.
I believe it may be the same as the interfacing being sold through fashion sewing supply, but they are out of stock as well.
We are trying Whaleys (UK) and are sending them a sample of what we are looking for, but if anyone else lnows where to get it I would appreciate hearing about it
Terri, you might try http://www.guidefabrics.com/product-category/interlining/cotton-woven-fusible/
Their website isn't always helpful, but they do have a nice swatch booklet. Many more types available (I think) than what's listed on the website. The fusible hair canvas we ordered from them recently worked nicely, and I haven't had any complaints about the other fusible's we've gotten from them.
They've been nice to work with, and they've been good about shipping to us. They're based in NYC, and have a storefront on 38th St. for anyone passing through :)
Thank you, I have sent the link to our buyer.