For those of you who have an interest in historic tailoring and menswear, I just relaunched my web page. The images are all selected from Toronto City Archives and Ontario Archives. I live in the Garden District of Old Toronto, the 'downtown core' as it were, which was built mainly by European immigrants during the Victorian era. My particular neighbourhood is where many of the garment making factories that serviced all of Canada were once located. Most of the pix on my page capture images of the workers in the sewing, pressing, and cutting rooms of the area. These Victorian and Gilded Age factories catered mainly to Eaton's and Sear's department stores. Many old Canadians like myself will remember how many of us ordered clothing through catalogues from those two purveyors, once upon a time. Having lived in this area for a quarter of a century now, I have amassed an embarrassingly large collection of sad-irons of various shapes and sizes, which people used to throw away, and which are now deployed mainly as door stoppers. The story of sad-irons is anything but sad though, the sort typically seen around here (with removable wooden handles and usually sold in sets of three) were invented by Mary Florence Potts, who went on to become what we would call today, a millionaire.
Some fantastic images !!
Love the slideshow. I wanted to linger on some of the images.