Hello fellow tailors,
I would like to buy one (or two) good, heavy irons. Preferably with no steam. Usually I find my way on Kleinanzeigen and EBay but when it comes to a good tailor iron I don't know what to look for. People are mainly selling them as decoration so I don't know if they work or if it is wise to invest in them.
Any tips to help with my search here in Germany are welcome. Maybe I'm missing the right "Fachwort" to use in the search. Any brands or signs I should be looking or asking for?
Search for Veit Trockenbügeleisen DELUX. As far as I known they produce a 4.5kg iron. The plate is made from "Messing". The price is deluxe too.
you can use it for strenghting your muscles
Quote from: posaune on September 06, 2024, 06:45:56 PMSearch for Veit Trockenbügeleisen DELUX. As far as I known they produce a 4.5kg iron. The plate is made from "Messing". The price is deluxe too.
Posaune, it sounds like you are duscussing the Trockenbeerenauslese of tailors irons. ;)
Where "DELUX" becomes a eufemism...
While handeling the iron, Schneiderfrei, I think, you should not drink to much Trockenbeerauslese. ;D
This is exactly the one, I bought second hand. It is very good, really heavy and has a modern "hot item" plug.
Bügeleisen Grossag (https://www.ebay.at/itm/313436894771)
I used the Terms "Schneiderbügeleisen", "Schweres Bügeleisen" "Bügeleisen Grossag"
Thanks Posaune. The Deluxe price I can't afford right now, maybe later ;)
Peterle, thanks for the link, what a beauty. I'm also looking for something second hand, if possible.
Will keep you guys updated!
I might be a little late to this but there is also a English site named "Norris Steam" where they sell a variety of irons. One of them is a dry around 11 pounds/ 5 kg so it be good for general use. But they also have steam in that weight too.
I'm not sure where you may live or if they ship all over the world, but if they do ship to your country you're in luck!
Also another place is a Italian website named Fodere Zamboni. Some of their stuff is out fo stock but it looks really good.
Quote from: posaune on September 07, 2024, 01:35:48 AMWhile handeling the iron, Schneiderfrei, I think, you should not drink to much Trockenbeerauslese. ;D
Or maybe finally meet the neighbours from downstairs...
Cheers, Hendrick
Quote from: Hendrick on September 10, 2024, 06:42:48 AMQuote from: posaune on September 07, 2024, 01:35:48 AMWhile handeling the iron, Schneiderfrei, I think, you should not drink to much Trockenbeerauslese. ;D
Or maybe finally meet the neighbours from downstairs...
Cheers, Hendrick
Or the in-laws... ???