Bespoke Cutter And Tailor

The Reference Section & Marketplace => Sewing machines and equipment => Topic started by: posaune on June 06, 2024, 04:05:15 AM

Title: RIP my iron died today
Post by: posaune on June 06, 2024, 04:05:15 AM
I forgot to unplug my steam iron system today. When I heard a Big Bang and a voice which told me no electricity - I run to my sewing room.
Oh oh! The Iron of my beloved steam station stood there in flames.Horror - my heart broke. I have it about 20 years. I could stop the fire with cotton muslin (sic!). The bang was the fuse going off and the voice was a Gadget I have because we have a help system for disabled persons — not for disabled irons.
Now I have to buy another one because all the plastic parts melted in the heat.
But I will take the same again. It uses no special water and gives a steady steam. Or have you good experiences with your special brand to share?
Lg posaune
Title: Re: RIP my iron died today
Post by: Schneiderfrei on June 06, 2024, 12:39:51 PM
Schade poasaune, das ist wirklich traurig.  :(
Title: Re: RIP my iron died today
Post by: Steelmillal on June 07, 2024, 04:44:00 AM
I'm sad to say it but there is a lot on the market for pennies. Look around and find something new to you and soldier on, Ma'am.
Title: Re: RIP my iron died today
Post by: Hendrick on July 15, 2024, 08:02:42 AM
Hey Posaune, that is, well funny in a way. If I remember well you have a Farinelli (Bieffe) iron. I have the same and just weeks ago all of a sudden there was an extremely penetrating smell that I couldn't tell where it came from at first... That is; until I checked the iron; the knob was litterally melting away! I think the internal thermostat shorted. Anyway; I got the iron plus the hose and clamp and things for around 90 euros from ebay...
Connected it and it works fine. I am happy with it because the complete set is far more expensive than before and I like the kettle because the pressure is good and very responsive...

Cheers, Hendrick

ps I think they changed to a different thermomstat to a heavier version because the old iron had aan elegant Italian click and this one sounds like the trigger of a howitzer...