Well, it seems I have been 'charged' with the responsibility (by his brother Ian), of dispensing with Hutch's collection of Shears.
I will 'develop' and add to this 'thread' as I progress through the process.
We have already taken Quick photos of them ALL, Tagged and Numbered them, which can be found here:
https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/bx3sv19848z34xx4fqkqc/h?rlkey=p71iyogh2s2q4pad8w248n8fz&dl=0 (https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/bx3sv19848z34xx4fqkqc/h?rlkey=p71iyogh2s2q4pad8w248n8fz&dl=0)
I am sorry about the somewhat low 'Standard' of the photos but trust me, you have NO idea what his place was like, it took us some time to even be able to Get to the drawers these were stored in and to make space on the nearby table to photograph them, with the best light we could arrange, in the time and physical space we had.
So for all you Mega-Collector 'Mantle Ornament' Wannabe's, as can be seen from the photos of them in the drawers, (attached here), they are in very fine fettle and condition, with the understanding that Hutch's "Focus", was Not on 'Display Case' visual 'Restoration, but to Proper technical and mechanical Operation, ... as "Tools of the Trade", to be Used, not 'looked' at ;) :)
Knowing Hutch as I did since 1970, I need no further education or enlightening in knowing how Exacting and arguably 'anal' he was in regard to fixing these things, he was in many ways a virtual 'polymath' but in this instance, called on all his years of education and experience as a trained Metallurgist and Engineering Tool & Die maker, to Re-Set, Sharpen and restore these shears to the point where they could probably continue functioning (in the manner they were designed), for another hundred years.
I can guarantee, they are 'Scary' Sharp, cut Fabric with the ease you would expect and with proper care and maintenance, will continue to into the future.
They are ALL in excellent condition, but are covered with Grease for Storage purposes, (which can be observed in many of the photos on Dropbox).
If you are interested in any particular Pairs, I am happy to temporarily clean and take better photos, but with 60 pairs, I do not intend to do them all. ??? :)
Many of them can be seen (and described) in the various sections, here: https://movsd.com/tailors_shears/ (https://movsd.com/tailors_shears/)
We ARE truly hoping to get as many pairs as possible, into the Hands of people who will 'Actively' USE them and 'Cherish' them.
Obviously, Shears like these in Perfect Working Order, not requiring resetting and sharpening, don't come up everyday, but with that said we are simply hoping to get a good, realistic price for them, so please, IF you Are interested, please contact me with your offers for consideration, prior to them eventually being placed on E-Pay ;) ;D
Images taken by Mark when delivering them to me :)
Oh my gosh!
Well those look beautiful.
He certainly had a talent for bringing them back to life.
Is there a relatively smaller pair in the lot?
Wow, you could probably supply all of Savile Row with that lot!
QuoteWow, you could probably supply all of Savile Row with that lot!
Yes, very possibly :) and more than happy to do so ;) ;D
QuoteIs there a relatively smaller pair in the lot?
Yes, a few :) PM sent
My apologies for those who expressed interest in the Shears, ... I have NOT forgotten you,.. I have simply been too busy to attend to the 'Task' ... I will try to get back to you all ASAP,...
Thanks for your patience, :)
Here;s something to gauge the market by. They look good, but not my brand. There's seven hours left as I type this. Cheers.
Would love a pair in the 12" or sub 12" range. Don't think I could afford/justify to my wife spending anything more than $75, though I have no idea if you'd consider that a lowball.
What would you consider a reasonable offer here?
Hello Stewart,
I am just wondering if any of Hutch's shears might still be available for sale?
Thx -
Hi Neil,
Yes,... basically, All of them are still available,.... although, that said,.. I DO have a list of some Requests from other members for certain ones ;)
They are currently downstairs in boxes and it has really only been my health and the 'lousy' weather through winter here that, along with my slackness, I have not managed to do anything about.
The photos taken, probably really don't do them justice, but we were really compromised for space and lighting during the house clean up etc but they have all been Re-Set and sharpened in Hutch's typical properly or why bother style ;) :)
So have a good look and let me know which units you are interested in.
Now that the weather is better, I really Should get around to finding the units some of the other members were interested in :)
Hello Stewart,
Happy New Year!
Hope you're having a great one -
& Thanks for getting back, much appreciated.
I would LOVE to adopt (purchase) this pair:
""Heinisch 5 Tailor's Shears - This pair of Heinisch 13 inch tailor's were sourced from an elderly gentleman in Utah who had been a machinist all of his working life.""
However, if that one is already spoken for, then I would be honoured to own any Heinisch available that is in good cutting-working order. I already own a Big Iron 15.5" Heinisch (was Hutch a fan of country music? - ie - Marty Robbins/Colter Wall, by any chance?) and even had my own spanner wrench custom made to open the hinge bolt. A Heinisch pair in the 10", 12", 13" range would be wonderful. I would have to rely on yourself to make a judgement call on my behalf though - I can see there are many more pair in the boxes than on the gallery pages (it appears so, but maybe I'm mistaken) so I would be open to working within the restrictions of everyone else's requests, not to mention your time/patience.)
Failing that, I would pick another option if the Heinisches are all spoken for.
Have yourself a lovely upcoming week-end
best -
Apologies Stewart -
I just discovered all of the photos of the Heinisch shears in the dropbox archives.
I would like to modify my request slightly, if that's OK?
In order of preference:
1 - 33_No 6 in digital museum
2 - 35_No 5 in digital museum
3 - 36_No 6
4 - 32_No 7 in digital museum
Thx again!
OK :)
I think your initial selection should be fine :)
Like all the others requested so far, I'll have to go digging and find them, then get a quote for postage/freight etc.
Let alone working out suitable Prices for everyone :)
I doubt it, but are any of these left handed?
Thank you so much, Stewart!
Much appreciated ;-)
I'll bug you again in a while, for sure, but one can see the amount of work that went into building the collection and thus, how time consuming it would be for you on your end to address their dispersal, accordingly. We appreciate you!
I pledge to honour and revere and use these shears in the style of Hutch, the great, consummate restorer.