I'm getting close to completing a new jacket and once going down the button rabbit hole.
I have included a photo as I am open to suggestions on colors & materials as well.
The Tiki Tailor
(https://i.postimg.cc/m1hrd4Hv/Tiki-Jacket-No-3.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/m1hrd4Hv)
If you live outside the UK, hop on a flight to London and spend a day at this place :)
Sadly, they only have a limited selection online:
A very dark wooden button might work well with your colour scheme.
If you want it flashy dyed mother of pearl
Lg posaune
On a related note:
I can't recommend https://ywbutton.net/ (https://ywbutton.net/) enough. The prices are excellent, and shipping time and cost are reasonable given the distance they are traveling to get to us in the west. My last order:
(https://i.postimg.cc/0MrnvzVK/Screenshot-2024-04-06-at-11-25-51-AM.png) (https://postimg.cc/0MrnvzVK)
Buttons are gorgeous, high quality, haven't found anything nearly comparable in price after days of online searching. Their selection is pretty good--though I don't think they ever replied to my requests for quotes.
Thank you all. I went with mother of pearl buttons (from Amazon) and they look fabulous!