Selling my Mueller books in photo. The 18th came from Otto Perl's works. Don't know if it was his but the shipping card fell out. It did ship from NYC.
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There's men's 17th and 15th and womens 14th and 18th.
I've learned what I needed from them and they just sit in a box out of light and out of sight. Collecting ain't cutting.
I was going to post to ebay, but allow here first. Make offer by PM? on one the lot. I'll pull them from the box and photograph better. They are in very good condition. This photo is from posted insaspam. Rgds, AL
I sell mine in ebay right now. Almost a whole set from 12 - 15 and Hefte 2 - 5.
I noticed. ;D Haven't posted mine yet as putting together a basket to goodies to go with.