Hi there, I watched this video about making of trousers side tab. The side tab looks great but there is one finished area which seems not appealing, the strap seam is showing on the outside. Is there a workaround for this to make the seam invisible ? Would anybody have any other reference with respect to crafting side tabs to share, that would be much appreaciated. Many thanks!
You've probably seen the following already, but another approach is to cut a pattern on the double then stitch round the edges to give you side seams:
This chap is a student of tailoring. He very kindly posts info as he discovers it, so his methods change over time, but I enjoy his channel. He has some info about adjusters:
A couple of years ago I made a couple of pairs of trousers from drill cotton. It was too stiff to bag straps, but I just about managed to pass a long strip through a bias maker. I then cut it into smaller strips double the length that I needed, folded them in half so that the edges met, then top stitched the sides to close the straps. A little utilitarian in look, but no visible seam in the middle. In hindsight, I should have used this method to get pointy ends (mine were flat):
Quote from: Gerry on July 29, 2023, 04:00:09 PMYou've probably seen the following already, but another approach is to cut a pattern on the double then stitch round the edges to give you side seams:
This chap is a student of tailoring. He very kindly posts info as he discovers it, so his methods change over time, but I enjoy his channel. He has some info about adjusters:
A couple of years ago I made a couple of pairs of trousers from drill cotton. It was too stiff to bag straps, but I just about managed to pass a long strip through a bias maker. I then cut it into smaller strips double the length that I needed, folded them in half so that the edges met, then top stitched the sides to close the straps. A little utilitarian in look, but no visible seam in the middle. In hindsight, I should have used this method to get pointy ends (mine were flat):
Thanks a lot Gerry, I will take a look at these videos :)