For my German speaking friends, this rare book from 1934 contains a lot of useful tips and "secrets" for the modern tailor. It displays some idiosyncrasies of German 1930s tailoring that were perhaps even at that time a bit "too much", e.g. the insane obsession with the run of stripes and checks, but overall highly commendable writing that is worth reading even though many of the techniques cannot be applied to the ultra fine cloths of today.
TSjursen, Thank you so much. This is a very welcome addition.
Yes its from the 1930's but actually many post war volumes seem to retain many of their illustrations from the thirties. The syle is probably not supportable, but the construction information is really interesting.
That was very helpful in further understanding older canvas cutting methods mentioned in the old forum. All of sudden things 'clicked' in my mind! Thank you so much!
Thanks for sharing! I just love those old Schneidermeister books, booklets, magazines.... There is such a beauty in the depth of knowledge of the craft that these old books have mastered to capture.