Bespoke Cutter And Tailor

Apprentices => The Apprentice's Forum => Topic started by: Cafe Impecunious on April 19, 2022, 02:46:37 AM

Title: Best Tailoring Correspondence Course
Post by: Cafe Impecunious on April 19, 2022, 02:46:37 AM
I've been looking around, and while I'm not in a position to move to London or Milan for an apprenticeship, I have seen a few different correspondence courses being advertised as being quite good.  The two that spring most immediately to mind is Rory Duffy's HCT and the American Bespoke Tailoring Academy out of Texas, along with the Savile Row courses now being offered.
Does anyone have any experience or knowledge about the quality of the courses, the folks teaching them, and if I would get my money's worth. 
Anyway, thank you for any information you might have.
Title: Re: Best Tailoring Correspondence Course
Post by: Gerry on April 19, 2022, 03:32:34 AM
I had subscriptions to, or rented, most of Rory Duffy's video courses. They are all excellent. Not the only way to make garments, but a very solid foundation that has allowed me to better understand how others work. Especially when it comes to coat making. So when I watch bespoke tailors at work on youtube, if they deviate from the 'norm' - often because of 'regional' working methods that differ from those in the UK - I can usually make an informed guess as to why they're doing that. And possibly learn from them.

You can always dip in by renting a single episode, and see how you like his teaching style. Or cancel the subscription within the month if you don't like his approach. And if you feel you need more, there is a one-to-one service (as you've discovered). Though I don't have experience of that.