He is a passionet tailor from Belgium who shares his digital books with us.
English, French, German and even a few Dutch works on tailoring and drafting.
You can also find him on instagram.
Very nice! Thanks for the links
There is also Tailoring Suits the Professional way: https://archive.org/details/tailoringsuitspr00poul/mode/2up
You'll need to borrow it by making an account, but it's a great source nevertheless.
There is also quite a collection here: https://www.cuttersguide.com/galleries/pattern-guides-male/
Holy Moly Pfaff260
Misread the poster should have said, Holy moly A. Ferrell
Quote from: Schneiderfrei on April 13, 2022, 09:47:38 AM
Holy Moly Pfaff260
Ah yes, the one and only(Edit: I didn't realize Grahm was referring to the user)
I stumbled on the collection a week before Pfaff260 posted. Haven't dug through it all. Here;s something of the era-ish, the area, and pre-war.
Quote from: SO_tailor on April 12, 2022, 09:28:09 AM
There is also Tailoring Suits the Professional way: https://archive.org/details/tailoringsuitspr00poul/mode/2up
You'll need to borrow it by making an account, but it's a great source nevertheless.
Tks, very usefull!
Everyone here is absolutely amazing. There are so many new things for me to read, thank you!