I have just found that Become a Tailor (owned by Mr. Jungclaus) have released a jacket/coat making series on Vimeo, here is the link —>http:// https://www.becomeatailor.com/jacket-sakko/ (https://www.becomeatailor.com/jacket-sakko/). So far it looks pretty informative, and while there is no talking, it still looks like a good source to understand jacket making. It also seems to compliment his book Guide to Mens Tailoring Vol 2, which you could find in this link —> https://www.amazon.com/Guide-mens-tailoring-tailor-jacket/dp/3752622881. Your Welcome :)!
Fixed the Link, www.becomeatailor.com/jacket-sakko/ (http://www.becomeatailor.com/jacket-sakko/)