Just got a singer 185k delivered. I've unlocked the key to the lid and that side lifts off. The other seems to be hinged, however, and won't budge. How do I remove the case lid? I don't want to force it as it will probably become damaged (and it's in great condition).
Is there a knack? Or has the case been damaged in transit? (doubt it because it was well packaged and from what I can see, the machine is fine).
https://www.flickr.com/photos/194911850@N05/51857091947/in/dateposted-public/ (https://www.flickr.com/photos/194911850@N05/51857091947/in/dateposted-public/)
From what I can make out from photos online, the carry case has to be slid towards the machine then lifted? Does that sound about right? If so, then I'm guessing the metal is bent out of shape. Either by the previous owner in trying to force it (he posted a vid where he clearly had trouble getting it on), or in transit.
Very frustrating. I just want to play with my new toy. Any ideas??
That sounds very frustrating.
The tab that is stuck is roughly the same shape as the one that opens at the other end.
If it 'hinges', bring the case up a little, by degrees, and try to gently wiggle it toward the machine.
I wonder if the seller did it or bought it like that and found it too difficult to deal with. In any case It expect your diagnosis is correct, its been opened and then wrenched up to bend the little tab.
Thanks Schneiderfrei, that was really useful. I carefully bent back the metal catch, but it was so lodged the only thing I could do was keep bending, carefully, until the lid was 90 degrees to the machine base. That gave me access to the plate screws. Once I'd undone those, the case came free.
https://www.flickr.com/photos/194911850@N05/51858481068/in/shares-Z7P0HM/ (https://www.flickr.com/photos/194911850@N05/51858481068/in/shares-Z7P0HM/)
As suspected, the catch was bent out of shape. I'll hammer it back over the weekend.
https://www.flickr.com/photos/194911850@N05/51857441752/in/shares-SPr6h1/ (https://www.flickr.com/photos/194911850@N05/51857441752/in/shares-SPr6h1/)
Tomorrow I'll check the plug to make sure nobody's subbed a nail for a fuse, then I'll fire it up. This machine is in immaculate condition. Not a scratch on it (not bad for something manufactured in 1960). Even the foot pedal looks brand new. I know it works too, as the owner posted a vid. Motor sounded fine.
I would recommend great care in bending it back.
If possible doit really slowly, or even better heat up the metal piecevery hot.
I am concerned that the previous damage may have fatigued the metal.
Imagine if the thing broke while carrying it.
Keep us in touch.
Thanks Schneiderfrei. I'll clamp the majority of the catch to the case, using soft jaws, then slowly bend it back with heat (using a soldering iron). Hopefully it won't snap. Not too concerned if it's weakened: it's not going anywhere (the case will be more of a dust cover, if anything).
Thats cool, I have to pack away my S 201 everythime, and i watch my toes every time too, they'd break for sure.
;) G
Managed to fix things. I don't drink, but I could do with a beer!
The bracket screwed to the base had buckled over time, from the weight of the machine. It was effectively clamping the latch, preventing it from entering/exiting the slot. I managed to get it 'straightened' (it's a little wonky looking, due to one side being more pliable that the other), and the lid slides in place easily now. Also gave the lock an oil as it was stiff as anything.
As things stand, I'll never pick the machine up by the handle. I dare say I've weakened the metal of the latch a little, but that aside the latch simply doesn't look strong enough to support such weight. I'm only going to use the case as a dust cover. If I ever have to carry the machine, it'll be two hands under the base and not the handle!
As for the machine, it runs nicely. I won't use it until I've given the workings a thorough clean and oil though. Plus I want to lengthen the flex to the foot pedal. Pedals never seem to have enough for my long legs.