Bespoke Cutter And Tailor

Apprentices => The Apprentice's Forum => Topic started by: konceitedbastard on November 18, 2021, 01:26:23 PM

Title: Desperately looking for an apprentice position in Miami, Florida
Post by: konceitedbastard on November 18, 2021, 01:26:23 PM
I am currently a fashion student looking to become a tailor's apprentice. I will work for FREE!!! I just want to learn the art of making men's trousers, men's shirts, pattern making, measuring and alterations. I feel like school is not providing me enough...I've learned more on YouTube.

I am older than 40, I have my own transportation and I own EVERY industrial machine needed ( serger, cover stitch, blind stitch, straight stitch, walking foot, gravity iron...etc ) at home to perfect my sewing skills.

I don't know if I am allowed to leave an email address on please leave me a message here with any directions that may be helpful.

Thanks to all.
Title: Re: Desperately looking for an apprentice position in Miami, Florida
Post by: theresa in tucson on November 18, 2021, 11:36:11 PM
Good luck with your quest Konceited but you might have better luck if you offered to pay for instruction.  Working for free isn't enough,  What you are asking is for someone to take time to teach you (for free) what they know.  As a parent I know that it takes takes just about twice as long to teach my son a new skill as it does to do it myself.
Title: Re: Desperately looking for an apprentice position in Miami, Florida
Post by: Steelmillal on November 19, 2021, 12:30:07 AM
Only twice as long, T? wanna trade? ;D

Keep your day job, ya bastard(:D), and do the work from home for practice. Insurance/lawyers is/are the issue you'd run into. No one would risk an open lawsuit for slave labor anymore like when I was 19. Pick a style or product and practice, practice, practice and post. When deftness comes in and your hands have muscle memory, then try to get a low end job that makes someone money. Show'em vs. snow'em and grow from there. This isn't a tailors view; I do automation and total plant operations from high end electric to HR to end of line delivery. What you know is more valuable to me, and others, than who you know.
Good luck!
Title: Re: Desperately looking for an apprentice position in Miami, Florida
Post by: konceitedbastard on November 19, 2021, 12:33:14 PM
I can't explain how valuable BOTH of your responses were. Thanks!!!