Thought I'd start a topic a bit more relevant to the site.
So - the runways this fall for women were sporting a tremendous amount of suits and traditional styles not featured in years/decades? - including shirt dresses. Was soooooooo good to see - as many designers have featured stretchy-goo stuff for the last few years.
I've also noticed a vast improvement on the home sewing sites in the quality of work that is featured. Ten years ago, it was rare to see a jacket posted that didn't scream "home made". Now quite often, especially with younger sewists the improvement in workmanship is substantial.
Also back then, it was "good luck" locating a point presser or a sleeve board anywhere online. Press bucks were non existant. Over the last few years, decent quality wooden tailoring tools have become more commonplace.
Then, last week while looking at travel irons on Amazon - my mouth dropped open when up popped a royal blue, heavy metal base - I'm sure it's made in China - press buck!
Is it possible that the general public is tiring of the disposible clothing idea? Have the wealthy refused to purchase those ridiculously overpriced spandex creations offered on the runways in recent years? Has there ever been anything worse than the semi-constructed suits offered a few years ago - no sleeves with raw edges, shoulder pads and canvases showing?
Is it possible that quality of clothing is once again going to become an indicator of class/success/social standing that it once was? Have people tired of spending ridiculous amounts for the latest i-phone and decided better quality clothing is more beneficial for their careers? If the über wealthy are running around in classic high quality clothing, will the middle class follow suit - and what will their options be? Will RTW manufacturers be ready and willing to meet these needs?
There is a definite uptick at the moment. Will it last? Will it grow?
My Dad always said "the pendulum swings". I've been watching trends and see we are getting back to quality over quantity. Not everywhere, but that's because of the cheap money sloshing around. And there will always be the upmarket with deep pockets to help sustain quality. The eco-types may drive it further passed what market laws would and maybe kill it before ripening, but I think we are well on the way. Taxes and regulation will end it better than anything: those who can't(do), administrate, as some say.. Traditional art is warm and nourishing, machine made is cold and other negatives. People won't stay in the cold long. We're souls with bodies, and both are naturally warm.
My planned trip to EU is a part of that search, and for my own brand development. Find the remaining vendors and buy from them. Create competing parties and 'round we go. American Woolen, zumB. Philosophically, slow and local supply chains matter intensely from farm to table or sheep to suit or leather to shoes. Carbon taxes, read high energy, will drive shorter routes, as well, and help the Artisan survive better. Buy local works. "Think globally, act locally" was bumper sticker in my Grateful Dead days...oh what a long, strange trip it's been.. ..or I'm a complete idiot, China will steamroll ahead one road/belt and the Davos Globalist's like Christine Lagarde and Klaus Schwab will kill the golden goose of individual economic freedom thinking Xi will share power...
I lean to what was before Edison. That still works good. Sun comes up, lambs born every Spring, Summer ripens things, and Fall colours inspire weavers to craft beauty that lasts. Winter is for other things like warm kitchens, full farm tables, etc.. For the uninitiated, tweedle on thy fancy interweb device "Foxfire"&"Appalachia". The 1970s held the last time the pendulum swung to the crafty side of life. We're overdue!
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..a roadside field on my cycle loop to the city...verrry tweedy..
Here in Adelaide Australia, there are more fabricshops than there were 8 years ago. There i a raging effeort to sell old singer domestic sewing amchines, and industrials are quite plentiful. It show signs that a domestic resurgence is underway.
RE : Fashion, from time to time I still see bits of fashion parades on Youtube and they still tend to be the same horror shows, these kids doing the modelling are so skinny, they look like they need a good feed, catch up on their sleep and get a life instead of running on mineral water and amphetamines to stay so skinny.
This dreadful look is the fantasy of some fashion designers who see these kids as little more than coat hangers for what are often rediculous "concept" clothing, usually very poorly made and shipped out to south east Asia for manufacturing.