Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall;
All the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again.
Wonder how many millions will be murdered.
Women and girls should have left that country when they could have.
What a terrible maddening sad mess this has become.
Why would anyone think something good could come from the Taliban?
It looks like an unhappy situation but it has happened before for much the same reason, foreign occupation. Alexander the great, the English, the Russians, the Americans and from what I read in foreign news, soon to be the Chinese. This grave yard of empires has proven a hard nut to crack and left those who have tried as a wreck.
Not opposed to leaving. It was how we left and the ensuing blood bath.
It's not a good look that's for sure.
Has there been the expected bloodbath yet.
I wonder.
I have to read offshore news to get anything I remotely trust. Feeds from Oz and WABC77AM have been my only sources for months. Biden's speech yesterday was embarrassing and a bushel basket of BS. And got slapped for criticizing him with ytube ban claiming covid reasons! More BS.
My friends who were in both campaigns are pissed!! I had to think carefully what to say here.
Send the best vibes you can, Y'all.
First I saw about it was pictures by a Taliban on Tumblr. A few pictures of dead people who peacefully surrendered. This was before it showed up on the news.