Can anyone help me to finish the pivot sleeve from this draft?
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It seems to be missing a few steps for the under sleeve.
It does seem to be missing the undersleeve information completely.
What book is this from?
Information to work from is total dimension of the cuff minus what the top sleeve measures is your under sleeve cuff.
Armhole measurement plus any ease minus the top sleeve head already drawn should give you the undersleeve head amount.
Measure both the front and back seam lines as the undersleeve has to match.
Then i would eyeball the placement according to the diagram, hoping the diagram is proportionally drawn
The slightly tricky part is the matching the length of the front curved seam and the undersleeve head.
I have drafted sleeves with similar characteristics, but not from a book, just from experimenting and the need to have suits for ballet dancers with appropriate range of motion.
Thank you Terri. That is what I ended up doing. I'm not sure which book this is from. It is a draft that I found on the old site (Cutter and Tailor).
If it works I will post it here.
Is that Chaudhry?
Yes. I think it is from
"Designing and Cutting Modern Leisure and Cotton Garments for Men"
I'd love to find a copy, print or digital. I have a copy of
"Advanced Practical Design for Men's Clothing" that I found on the street one
morning while walking my dog.
Jeffrey did it fall off the back of a truck? ;)
Someone actually put it out with other books. Now to wander down that same street. Here's to hoping lightning will strike twice in the same spot.
Cool, I would. ;)