Hi everyone,
I'm looking for recommendations of a website where I can purchase trouser zippers for suit trousers in a variety of colors.
Thanks in advance!
Alec, to be really helpful where are you located? Shipping impacts price greatly.
Hi Theresa, thanks for the response!
I'm located in NYC but I don't mind paying higher shipping costs to get a quality product.
I typed "zippers NYC" into duckduckgo and followed the yellow brick road. You're in Queens! I could buy a tiger nearby if I wanted one. Look for locals, they need the business for Cuomo and "Big Bird"; plus you'll find the Masters, or secret directions to wear they still hangout. Find the bike messengers, too. They really know the secret places.
Thanks so much!
That's another reason I asked, I really want to help out local businesses. Appreciate the help!