German to English translation

Started by jeffrey, August 01, 2020, 06:52:12 AM

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I am not certain if this is the right place to post this and I am a little embarrassed to ask but I don't know where else to turn. I bought Größentabellen for Herren-Oberbekleidung (size charts) from MÜLLER & SOHN last year but have lost my German. Is anyone willing to help me translate this into English.
Thank you in advance,


It should be Ok.

What year is it from? In terms of copyright isuues?

Schneider sind auch Leute


I am guessing that a translation will not be allowed.I bought it last year so it is most likely under copyright still.
I was thinking I would only translate the names of the charts and the words /names of the measurements. I have tried using google translate but I get the oddest translations.
Thank you for the reply anyhow.


"get the oddest translations"
That reminds me of trying to translate leather shorts from German to English, maybe a couple of decades ago. English has some roundabout words too. Never did finish it. Any Trouser pattern will work with a few adaptations for style. Did lots of hiking and thought leather might be better (more durable) than cotton for summer hikes. Leather Trousers of all lengths go back hundreds of years throughout Europe and the Americas.


Dear Jeffrey,
I believe that there will be no copyright issue if you only use it for personal needs, but not in any professional sense. If you still need a translation, I am happy to help. If the table is very large, it might take a while. Feel free to send it via direct message/ upload it here.

Kind regards


I am so sorry to have forgotten this thread. Is this something you sent me earlier Jeffrey.
Schneider sind auch Leute


Oh Jeffrey what a pity: Now they are available in english
They use as stated in the text:

Body height, Chest girth, Waist girth, Hip girth, Sleeve length, Neck width, Scye depth, Back waist length, Back width, Scye width, Chest width, Waistband girth, Body rise, Inseam, Side length, Thigh girth, Knee girth, Kneeband girth, Calf girth, Ankle girth, Neckline girth, Neck girth, Shoulder width, Wrist girth, Biceps girth, Elbow girth, Elbow length, Head girth.

in german
Körperhöhe, Brustumfang, Taillenumfang, Hüftumfang, Ärmellänge, Halsspiegel, Rückenhöhe, Rückenlänge, Rückenbreite, Armlochdurchmesser, Brustbreite, Bundumfang, Leibhöhe, Schrittlänge, Seitenlänge, Oberschenkelumfang, Knieumfang, Unterknieumfang, Wadenumfang, Knöchelumfang, Halsumfang, Halsansatzumfang, Schulterbreite, Handgelenkumfang, Oberarmumfang, Ellenbogenumfang, Ellenbogenlänge, Kopfumfang.