Is there a way to fix a thread that snagged and pulled?

Started by Tikiguayo, July 19, 2020, 11:14:12 AM

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Gentlemen, have any of you experience and (fingers crossed) resolved a situation like the one pictured here? While attaching the facing to the fore part of my new jacket (the fabric is 100% silk matka) I pulled a thread out. Help me my sartorial friends you are my only hope!


Tikiguyo, it must be emphasised that it is not only gentlemen who provide their extraordinary time and exerience on this site.

I cannot see the end of the pull or any loose thread in your foto.

Unles you can find the end of the pulled thread or similar. You could try to ease the space away with a combination of teasing with a pin and by pinching and cross pulling the cloth.

If you could find an end, you might thread it to an embroidery needle and weave it back through. Pains taking I know and not guaranteed to look good.
Schneider sind auch Leute


I stand corrected and meant no disrespect, old habits as they say die hard.
I appreciate the tip. Cheers!


I'm not one of the professionals here, but my German mother performed many such painstaking measures in years gone by..

Both of Schneiderfrei's suggestions are "fixes' my mom used. My two cents worth in this is: do you have some of the fabric left to try to replicate the damage and then see which fix is most acceptable?

You might be able to locate a yarn from your scraps that is thinner than the original that was pulled and then basically use both techniques to refill the void.

Good luck!


That's a great idea too Spookietoo, get an extra piece of yarn from a self cloth.
Schneider sind auch Leute


That´s how professional darners do it. When there is no fabric left they take a thread from the hem inlay.

Tikiguayo are you sure you pulled a thread? I see a vertical groove in your fabric, but when I look closer, all the necessary threads are there (Panamaweave, Two by two).Maybe  the threads are just shifted? You can tab the fabric gently with a fabric brush to close the gap. Also  pulling the fabric diagonally gently can help to close the gap.


You make a very good point Peterle, and I was waiting for your contribution :) knowing your interest in fibre technology.

And Tikiguayo, how far down the garment does the the anomaly extend?

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Thom Bennett

From a second pair of eyes, I would agree with Peterle the threads have just shifted, you would have noticed had you pulled out a thread that long.
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Thank you schneiderfrei.

Gendered assumptions about the experts in the field here, and frankly everywhere, serve no purpose and are not welcome.


Schneider sind auch Leute



Yeah, don't wind the ladies up or you will get your ear burnt. We are in fact fortunate that we have many very experienced folks here and there is no gender divide. I am biased of course, the best tailor I have ever seen was a friend of mine who sadly is no longer with us and she was in the genius class.

Now since everyone here is an adult, there is an old piece of humour where when some one does you a favour, you refer to the as a "Gentleman and a Scholar and if that offends you, at least a Scholar". Now the inference was that some may take offence at being called a Gentleman as it may cast doubts on their masculinity.

You are in as much hot water when you use the old mode of address, "Ladies and Gentlemen" as it can be seen in some quarters as a gender separation so I stick to the very safe "Howdy Folks". I confess I do have some resistance to "woke" bullsh*t.
The magnificent tools of the professional tailor  ;) ;D

Thom Bennett

Quite agree with the woke BS, but this is just simple politeness.
"Tailored with Love and Passion"

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Thom Bennett Bespoke Ltd "Reassuringly Expensive"


I think it is more of how the mind is wired instead of Male or Female. If a mind is not wired for a subject, then it sure don't matter if it is female or male.


But, there is of course also the fenomenally stupid choice of words sometimes... I effortlessly step over gender stuff without thinking (having three older sisters that is quite natural, I suppose!). But doing so I once adressed a large group of women with "okay guys, here we go"


I think what irks me the most is the phenomenon of "trial by #twitterati" where the sum total number of whining morons hiding behind their nick names sit in judgement of the level of political correctlessness at whoever they want to attack. I agree with Tom in that dealing with people is just a matter of good manners and recognising ability where it occurs is the only real action.

My old lady (mother stated with fear and caution) was tough enough to bite the heads off nails, made her own world, had 3 sons that survived and never put up with crap out of anyone. Her mother (my grandmother) was even worse and hers was worse still and the skills were hand me downs.

I have made the comment before, while I have known a reasonable number of tailors in my time (and sharpened snippers for them) the best I have ever seen was the redhead. She was a magician with the work she did from wedding gowns to business suits to sports wear and so on and she had it in terms of design in her head and skills in her hands. She topped her year at tech, left all the "boys" behind and ran her own business until she passed away earlier this year.

I have no doubt that Tikiguayo did not intend to denigrate the ladies but I well understand why it needed to be straightened out. Lets hope everyone is now happy.  ;D
The magnificent tools of the professional tailor  ;) ;D