Just arrived Heinisch 8 14.5 inch.

Started by hutch--, January 23, 2020, 12:00:46 PM

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I normally don't buy shears that other folks can use without complex restoration as I don't want to deny others the chance of getting one of these big pairs but I found a pair of Heinisch number 8 (14.5 inch) on eBay that were looking for a good home that could be restored to good condition so I bought them. The important thing when evaluating a pair of shears is if you can still see the inlays and this pair look like they have not been butchered in the past and the blades are close enough to their original size. This is the pair as they arrived this morning.

The magnificent tools of the professional tailor
https://movsd.com/tailors_shears/  ;) ;D

Henry Hall

'Being perfectly well-dressed gives one a tranquillity that no religion can bestow.' - Ralph Waldo Emerson.


The shears went for $45.00 USD plus $30.00 USD postage. Converted to AUD, $126.00.
The magnificent tools of the professional tailor
https://movsd.com/tailors_shears/  ;) ;D


That's exactly what I paid for mine before Xmas.

I have had them simply sharpened, nothing fancy, but they are in good order.  The Wiss I bought last year prooved to be too 'white-ant'ed by fine rust. the steel is like mush.

And a couple of Cockatoos to bring a smile to your faces.

Schneider sind auch Leute

Henry Hall

My Wiss (or Wiss-like, since I can't verify them) shears came apart when the old brass bolt failed. It was quite worn and simply no longer gripped the threads on the nut. They weren't long enough anyway, but I liked using them.

I still have them standing on the table. I like it when visitors meddle them and they fall apart, then I do a serious face as if they broke them. ;D

Since then I've been using these ones below. The handles are regular, but they are long and very sharp. They eat through thick wool no trouble.

'Being perfectly well-dressed gives one a tranquillity that no religion can bestow.' - Ralph Waldo Emerson.



The pair in the photo are a Solingen pattern, probably made in the 1950s and usually very good steel. Handles are nothing fancy but the blades are well made and should last you for the next lifetime or two.
The magnificent tools of the professional tailor
https://movsd.com/tailors_shears/  ;) ;D



Just had a good look at your photos, you have done well with that pair of 7s. Now as your kids if any will not game to even breath on them, their kids if any will not suffer from such inhibitions and may even recognise that they were for cutting something and will probably do things with them that would horrify you but at least they will last that long.

I like the cockatoo photos, one of the logos I use on social media is the cockatoo in the old Ettamogah pub sketches from very old magazines.
The magnificent tools of the professional tailor
https://movsd.com/tailors_shears/  ;) ;D