Clico Pinking Shears

Started by Thom Bennett, March 19, 2019, 08:40:56 PM

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Thank you Hutch. These look great.


This is for Hutch- 

Still in Covid "lock down" with Mom & Dad, Mom has decided to oil paint again, so I am halfway thru sorting her studio/junk/sewing room and ran across her Wiss CB9 pinking shears - which I have LOATHED my entire life. The scissors are no more than 2 years younger than me -if that - and still decently sharp. Mom forced me to use them on my first few clothing projects at age 13. The cotton summer clothing was washed and worn so much, the linked seam allowances disintegrated and so I learned to zig zag overcast. (A hideous waste of money for thread, according to Mom at the time.)

Hutch - further up the thread you mentioned having a pair of Wiss that were a bear to cut with, so I'm assuming the tiniest adjustment of the bolt will not help matters any. Is this a correct assumption? I did oil the hinge.

EDIT:  Well, posting the pic didn't work. Let me know if I need to. Thank you!

The bolt is one I've never seen before, a T-shaped opening at one point only, so I'm also assuming a special tool perhaps? I'll try to post a pic.

I'm only wanting to trim the edges of some heavier woolens and microsuede that will be lined. Always thought I'd try these first and then just get a rotary cutter - no more often than I will want to use them.


I confess I have always hated pinking shears. I own a sharp Wiss pair that are my age (1948) and they are horrible to use. I hunted around and bought a wave profile pinking machine that works OK but If I am serious I overlock and edge, would never trust an edge that was cut with pinking shears or even the machine. Its a Singer from memory.
The magnificent tools of the professional tailor  ;) ;D

theresa in tucson

Pinking shears are handy for cutting curves in an enclosed seam but not much good for anything else, but that's just my opinion.  I have two pair (Fiskars, I think) and often have to hunt for them the few times I need them.


Teresa, since discovering thread snips - AMAZING THINGS -especially with a bit of arthritis in the old fingers - I use them to snip curved seams. Definitely trying to dig out pinking shears for such a task would be much too time consuming.

I've just seen where the pinking shears can be used to grade bulky seam allowances where one layer is particularly thick - and as long as they're free (Mom has 2 more pairs)- she told me to help myself.

Mom was very severely mentally obsessed over the excessively demonic practice of wasting thread when I was young. (I assume this explains her ownership of 3 pairs of the dreadful tools.) I of course will be leaving many shoeboxes full of thread for my neice and nephew to deal with when I'm gone as I decided many decades ago never to deprive myself of the luxury of thread ownership. I'm even hoarding the old factory cones that were my Grandmother's originally. And as much as I have, I see photos of thread stashes online that make my collection seem perfectly sane.


Too much of anything was never a problem, at least you don't run out of things. With a couple of overlockers and back stands for normal machines, having plenty of cones is a blessing. I do have a collection of Rasant small reels but I only ever used them when thread had to match the fabric colour.
The magnificent tools of the professional tailor  ;) ;D


New pinks from the good shears makers are far better than old ones. Granddad's are junk compare the new ones. His were state of the art for commercial in his day. Good for melting into rebar now.
Pinks are good for linings that fray easily.