Juki 1152 - 4 Refurbishing job

Started by Schneiderfrei, December 03, 2018, 10:48:52 AM

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Greger you are so correct, that has already happened.

A friend who is a toolmaker tradie has already machined the correct thread onto the only thread guide post I could find on line.

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My special compliments on the table, good sewing with that!


Thanks Hendrick, the table arrangement is very dodgy (Australian for inadequate), at the heaviest part of the machine the whole thing is supported by only an inch wide piece of wood.  So I have epoxied fibre-glass between the layers. and added extra glass underneath. :)
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Oh, she'll be safe then, after all the pampering!

Cheers, Hendrick


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Just for fun; on a recent trip to eastern european counties I saw machines labelled "JUKKI", imported from China...

Henry Hall

Alongside their other models: Swinger and Faff.
'Being perfectly well-dressed gives one a tranquillity that no religion can bestow.' - Ralph Waldo Emerson.


Oh dear, Henry Hall, that would be funny.

On the other hand, if it weren't for Chinese manufacturers I couldn't get all the tiny screws and spare parts to build this thing up again.  Yesterday I was "learning" about the hook shaft assembly. In tapping out the post from the bottom of the hook shaft saddle, which was formerly damaged and non-adjustable, I immediately smashed the hook shaft up and snapped off the bobbin case opening lever. Luckily I can get a new one for $25 AUD rather than 21 GBP with 45 GBP postage.

Now at least the bobbin post is free in its housing in the saddle.
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Can you manage adjusting the timing? That's the one thing I never touch, especially on non rotary hook machines... Also, but you probably know, while the parts are apart, take some time to thoroughly polish the hook, race and bobbincase with a good metal polish. Say as if it where the chrome parts on your Bentley... You won't believe the difference that makes.

Cheers, Hendrick


I have already faced that Greger. I have a wonderful new friend who is a Tool Maker.
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So, I have not mentioned my 'New' Machine for some time.  After I refurbished the table, found some new screws and generally got to know the machine, it turned out I couldn't get it to make an actual stitch.

I started seriously to look at this issue back in January.  A friend offered to help, but naturally was not able to come and visit. I was bashing my head against a brick wall. I did ALL the timing and machine tolerances over and over, repaired a corroded hook spindle, reordered the part I snapped bumping the corroded piece out.

So last week-end another friend came over had a look and said "G! you have threaded the needles from the wrong side!"

Can't tell you how deflated I felt, and yet!!

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The simplest experiment are sometimes the most elusive.


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At least You have a very well maintained machine now and you´ve learned things about it you otherwise wouldn´t have.

Would the other needle be inserted with the long groove pointing to the left and therfore threaded from left to right? When using two hookes I assume they are positioned to the left and to the right of the needles?


I could now work as a service mechanic for this machine, after all the times I pulled it apart and reconstructed the blasted thing.

You are correct peterle, it is supposed to have a second needle. I was waiting for a replacement needle thread tension spring and took this photo before it arrived.

Each needle has a recess cut in the region of the threading hole. This recess must face outward, toward the hook.  The thread is passed from the inside space between the needles outward, toward the hook.  This seemed counter intuitive to me, until I finally realised that the thread makes a reverse loop across the needle that is then picked up by the hook.

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