Old C&T Photobucket links working!

Started by Steelmillal, August 02, 2018, 01:13:43 AM

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Justa FYI: At the time of this posting, 8_1_18, all the broken Photobucket links I've surfed through are working. Time to backup priceless info helpful to study.


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Good news! But a bit strange. I quickly checked the Terms of use and they still don't allow 3rd party hosting for free accounts.

The free account does not allow any image linking or 3rd party image hosting. If you are interested in image linking and/or 3rd party image hosting, you will need to subscribe to one of our Paid Accounts.


The whole internet is going in this direction and the days of anything free when it comes to storage space is over. Some of them could once make ends meet with advertising but that has effectively dropped dead so they either have to ask for fees or go bust. I think many of them will go bust anyway. Data storage and bandwidth have both become cheaper over time but few pass it on to the public, they just look at it as a venture to make money from.
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