did you see Wilkinson

Started by posaune, December 07, 2017, 12:39:38 AM

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I am not sure of what your question is directed at but I had a look at the web page and their new EXO range looks like a very good design.
The magnificent tools of the professional tailor
https://movsd.com/tailors_shears/  ;) ;D


Yes the shears are looking very nice and I got the MUST HAVE feeling.
I was astonished about the way the firm went to get the money to produce it - this kickstarter thing. Is that now common to do that?
The shears are nice to see but
Some time ago a gent did the same, collected the money and had the shears produced in Italy -  if I remember right. But there was some fishy going on. I backed out - but I did it because of the size of the shear.


I think that guy was less than honest, the next party that picked up the project was indeed a brave soul and I hope he covered his costs after paying the factory for their work. In modern shears I really like the Wiss 20W and 22W. I own a couple of pairs of the modern Wiss 22W (the 12 inch version) and they are nice grunty precise shears, they just aren't as "sexy" as the big antique ones but they really work well.

I keep a few pairs of the older American made 20W (10 inch) shears and I use one very old pair as my trimmers (after fixing them) and they are both precise and capable of grunting through close to anything. The current big Wilkinson shears are beautifully made and lifetime investments but are expensive.
The magnificent tools of the professional tailor
https://movsd.com/tailors_shears/  ;) ;D