Shirt Sleeve Draft from 1960's

Started by Schneiderfrei, September 02, 2017, 12:23:10 PM

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This is a too tantalizing fragment from a larger draft article.

So, you can all suffer like me, unless I find the previous pages. He he. 

It looks very like the same era as the Rundschau Shirt Post from the C and T forum but a much more developed and detailed treatment of the sleeve.  Inspired by posaune's recent post I have put it up for general interest.

Schneider sind auch Leute


Is it from the Herren-Rundschau? I have the 60's almost complete. I could have a look next week if I have it.


It could be page from the book, but I suspect its from one of the magazines.  It was pulled out, since has a Wir Aendern on the other side. Other than that its pg 797.

I would love you to have a look. :)

Schneider sind auch Leute


This seems a very special "shirt" for me. The sleeve cap is real high: 80 %. The back is a very no shirt thing. The armhole is "uebeschnitten" Means the shoulder is longer than usual. See dashed line at back armhole. So I think it is a jacket in a shirt style.



I did suspect this. Even simply because the beginning says, "The sleeve as a Shirt sleeve". But also because I believe I have pg 791 - 794 and its about Fracks!! But, even more so, it would be good to see.
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A shirt style sleeve that has been adapted.
Sometimes adding to the crown to shorten the shoulder, therefore, the sleeve goes up onto the shoulder. This case it does not look like the scye was adapted for that purpose.
As Posaune says shirt sleeve style adapted for a coat. Perhaps a ski coat?