Our Alterations - When the Underside is Too Long

Started by Schneiderfrei, September 02, 2017, 03:03:59 PM

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Wow, this is wonderful. Keep it going(:-))). When time I'll translate the important things
This does not concern only ladies. Gents can have too flat behind.
here it is a problem because using an elastic fabric for ski pants. The fabric was called Helanca in Germany in those days (1960?). The pants legs ended in "stirrups" .
They discuss if ladies should have a fitting with trousers. SIC!


I'll be very happy to show anything I have but as I have said the gentleman I got them from was mostly interested in HAKA.

Here is a funny story:  Chris Weimann said, a bit bashfully, that there was a lot of pages about Frack in the collection that I took.  And, he said they only ever made one Frack. Ha, it was for a federal politician.  So they wanted to make no mistakes and got together everything they could from the 60's til the 80's.  He recommended that I make myself one - goosh, where would I wear that.  Well there is plenty of literature if I ever did.
Schneider sind auch Leute


Schneiderfrei - is there any possibility you have the follow-up discussion of example 102?

Inquiring minds want to know...... ;)


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