Trousers Ironwork - ABC des Schneiderhandwerk - simple long trousers extract

Started by Schneiderfrei, November 01, 2016, 12:16:47 PM

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I will try to make a list of all the translations that are on the current forum. There are very few that did not get on this forum, but They may not all say 'Translation' in the subject heading.

Schneider sind auch Leute


Thank you for all the efforts you have been making for this web page, corresponding with every one's questions, answers, and requests.....
We are so blessed to have this platform to learn, to communicate and to exchange information within this industry.

Whatever you can transfer from the old site will be our advantage, please do not get tired of bringing them over here, and let them be able to pass to generations and generations, because you are able to do so, and you are willing to scarify your time, I cannot say thank you enough.
A sewing mom


Found some ironwork video's, I had posted a whole bunch on the old forum but lost the links. Just ran into these.

So who understands japanese?  ;) sayoonara


It is rather beautifully and logically presented.

Seems to use a lot of water to me.
Schneider sind auch Leute


Thank you, Kiem, for enriching this article with the videos, although I cannot understand Japanese, i would understand the effort. and to follow the direction the iron should go. With all the documentary pictures that this site in German, which I don't understand too, thanks again to Schneiderfrei, we, as a beginner, benefit gradually that we start to learn the skill and have confident to do that.  What all tailors were apprenticed to do the proper ways, now hand-downed to coming generations, so that we inherit the traditional culture, whoever are zeal to this industry.
A sewing mom


I´m surprised how he treats the curve and crotch tip of the back crotch seam. He shortens it by ironwork. The Rundschau method in contrary wants this area to be stretched. I wonder how the pattern drafts differ when they need such a different treating.


Another ironwork video. For those who don't follow this youtube channel yet... do it, they post a lot of great tailoring videos.

Another part was just released, This is a little bit of ironwork AFTER the outseams have been sewn together.

It seems very little shaping is done to the outseam, mostly the inseam areas.
Could this be to keep patterns matching on the finished trouser?

When I do iron work I pretty much shape both the inseam and out seams, which would make pattern matching really tricky (I have never tried honestly).


I recently got a few Japanese drafting books from the 60s and 70s. One has a chapter on menswear, but I'm not sure if it includes ironwork. A later volume does include a few steps for women's pants.