Setting your own avatar (small identification image)

Started by hutch--, March 08, 2016, 08:38:53 PM

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Go to your profile page and at the top you will find these options under the heading "Personalized Picture".

  • No avatar
  • Choose avatar from gallery
  • Specify avatar by URL
  • Upload an avatar
Select the "Upload an avatar" option if you have your own avatar on your computer. Choose the file and when you have finished, scroll down to the bottom of the page and on the right hand side there is a button with the caption "Change profile". Click that button and your profile will then have the avatar of your choice.

If you want to select an avatar from a known internet address or choose on from the existing gallery, make sure you click the "Upload an avatar" when you are finished. Just be warned that the gallery avatars are not very good. the avatar size is set to a maximum of 128 x 128 pixels which should be large enough in most instances. Please do not use annoying animated avatars as they are very distracting to other members who read the forum. We will remove annoying animated avatars to protect other members.

If you have a web site or a blog, feel free to put that in the signature section of your settings so that other members can browse your web site.
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