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Started by De De, August 06, 2024, 07:24:53 PM

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De De

I recently wrote a blog talking about AI vs Human creativity in Fashion.While AI plays a significant role, I believe we'll always need human input and creativity in fashion design. I've crafted an article on this topic. If you're interested, give it a read and let me know what you think!


I'll give my thoughts on this subject. I'll be as respectful as possible.

Please understand this: We artists are not cotton pickers— we are not pulling weeds out of the ground— we are not struggling with a loom to weave cloth.


We do not need a machine to be invented to help make our work "easier". That's because we do not do what people like you consider "work". Most of us are not dying to go home after a long day of work to sit on the couch and watch "Leave It to Beaver" while drinking a can of expired Budlight.
Do you people seriously think writers, painters, animators, and designers have been wanting a machine to automate their work so they could rest? NO; WE HAVEN'T!

Also you talk about softwares which involve platforms that already exist. Most designers already use Adobe, Blender, and others. Blender is free, physical Sketchbooks are cheap, Adobe costs money but is relatively cheap. I don't see how this is somehow going to reduce costs that don't even exist. Modeling isn't extremely difficult to learn once you get the hang of it. Heck there are already models of the human body that are fairly accurate. Don't see why this "AI" is needed. Maybe just keep it in Sci-Fi thank you!

Edit: Just to be clear I am referring to Generative AI, not AI in general. In my opinion it's just be harder to use Gen AI to create than make it using blender, a sketchbook etc.


Hey Sol, you may have noticed, but "fashion" has entered the digital realm; you can become the digital version of yourself as I write this and it excites a lot of people ("celebs"). You can also aquire digital versions of designs for the same purpose by design houses. Like in "the emperors clothes", However you aquire no physical goods, but hey, in return you can pay for them in equally "unphysical" Bitcoins. Fashion as a social phenomena is gradually being absorbed by the  entertainment industry and celebrity cultures where equally fake "influencers" are the new marketeers and advertising guru's, In other news; people will always need clothes because as it were we can't wear bites or computer code and that is where you come in!

Cheers, Hendrick 


Quote from: De De on August 06, 2024, 07:24:53 PMI recently wrote a blog talking about AI vs Human creativity in Fashion.While AI plays a significant role, I believe we'll always need human input and creativity in fashion design. I've crafted an article on this topic. If you're interested, give it a read and let me know what you think!

It did already; it is called Shein or Temu, shipped through the "belt and road initiative" (also called the "polyester express"). You may discover it at a landfill near you...

Cheers, Hendrick


Quote from: Hendrick on September 12, 2024, 07:54:42 AMIt did already; it is called Shein or Temu, shipped through the "belt and road initiative" (also called the "polyester express"). You may discover it at a landfill near you...

Cheers, Hendrick

Classic. Thanks for that perspective.  I hadn't clicked to the purpose of Temu. - Flood the market at less than cost price, until all competitors are deceased, then JAck up your profits.
Schneider sind auch Leute


Wow, I would never have thought people were actively using 'Blender'  :)



Quote from: Hendrick on September 12, 2024, 07:36:42 AMHey Sol, you may have noticed, but "fashion" has entered the digital realm; you can become the digital version of yourself as I write this and it excites a lot of people ("celebs"). You can also aquire digital versions of designs for the same purpose by design houses. Like in "the emperors clothes", However you aquire no physical goods, but hey, in return you can pay for them in equally "unphysical" Bitcoins. Fashion as a social phenomena is gradually being absorbed by the  entertainment industry and celebrity cultures where equally fake "influencers" are the new marketeers and advertising guru's, In other news; people will always need clothes because as it were we can't wear bites or computer code and that is where you come in!

Cheers, Hendrick 

Oh definitely, don't even get me started on the "Metaverse" and what not. I can't imagine these things are even possibly good for people mentality. It feels we are in the matrix now lol. Of course nobody is forcing you to wear these things— and I doublt they're even popular but it's a strange coincidence when media predict the future.

And regarding technology I apologize for being vague. Of course fashion has gone more "digital". I've seen designers use Blender and stuff like that! I haven't used blender yet but am hoping to eventually once I get a better graphics card.
CAD is another example, I don't use it as I prefer to be more "physical" in drafting (and I honestly find it more expensive than buying a roll of paper) but by all means use it if you want.

What I was merely mentioning Hendricks, was of how it appears some of the programmers don't seem to get what art is about. I've been in several arguments where I noticed they tend to steer towards thinking that art is stuff you want "over with"- believing for some reason that artists want someone to make their work easier or something like that. I guess saying it was like an office job may have been a poor choice of language but that was the best I could think of. Most of us artists rarely ever retire from our jobs. It's a passion more than anything. Making things "easier" just takes away from the dedication or motivation.
And because it's new doesn't mean it's good. Having progress in society doesn't all make things better. Replace a few artists? Great. Now what are you going to do? What are you going to do when every job is replaced and nobody needs you for anything! Your're going to feel extremely meaningless.

To be clear I'm not a "doomsayer". I highly doubt "Gen. AI" will ever be able to replace human artists; if anything it'll show who is a pillock. They said the same with tailoring when RTW came. Some tailors decided to "kneel", some decided to have RTW in their shop; yet others decided to just stick to what they know. The latter is where the craft survived and became more successful. We may have a different clientele over the masses, but it's not a bad clientele nevertheless. If it takes someone to be rich to find meaning in what we do (and that's saying a lot), and the common folk abandons us- then so be it.

I think this is what is going to happen to artists: Generative AI is the RTW for them; "Artists" using AI will be the MTM; but the TRUE art will be the tailor.

I know I'm using a "No True Scotsman" fallacy; but I'll just say to hush the puppies there is the " Argument From Fallacy" fallacy.

I know tailoring and being an artists aren't at all hand-in-hand; but the trade appears to be one of the few that is both a craft and art. Comparable to baking in my view where it's both an art but also very technical. And both you have to be very passionate about.


Quote from: stoo23 on September 12, 2024, 01:03:11 PMWow, I would never have thought people were actively using 'Blender'  :)

Well i mean the software is impeccable!
I mean it's a 3d modeling software that is F-F-FREE— *arg*
(hold your American Solomon hold it! You're on a Australian website!)
(Dang it!)


Quote from: Hendrick on September 12, 2024, 07:54:42 AMIt did already; it is called Shein or Temu, shipped through the "belt and road initiative" (also called the "polyester express"). You may discover it at a landfill near you...

Cheers, Hendrick

When someone buys from TEMU or Shein— an angel loses their wings...  :-X

Honestly I am extremely curious as to why anybody would buy from TEMU or shein? Surely they know it's garbage right?*cough* Wonderbread *cough*


QuoteWell i mean the software is impeccable!
Absolutely, Sure is although has a perhaps slightly 'vertical' learning curve (for the 3D uninitiated LOL)

I have friends who do animations with it  :)

I'm All Onboard with Free software, ... long time Gimp user  ;)


Quote from: stoo23 on September 12, 2024, 05:01:45 PM
QuoteWell i mean the software is impeccable!
Absolutely, Sure is although has a perhaps slightly 'vertical' learning curve (for the 3D uninitiated LOL)

I have friends who do animations with it  :)

I'm All Onboard with Free software, ... long time Gimp user  ;)

The animation part is mostly what I'm looking forawd to! Sadly I need to get a slightly better GPU before I can safely use Blender :( .

Also do you use a Linux distro per chance? I'm only asking as most of the distros I've seen have Gimp on the "pre-installed" so to speak. I know you can download it to other operating systems like Windows or Mac too, but the two tend to be like bread and butter.

Y'know... because it's FREE *cough* um— I mean liberty;)


This new tech produces 3 legs and 4 arms? Fashions are going to get kinda wild. With 5 neck holes, wow, we get choices that we never had before to be, Cool!


QuoteSadly I need to get a slightly better GPU before I can safely use Blender
Ha ha,.. possibly, more ram would probably be good as well :)

QuoteAlso do you use a Linux distro per chance?
No, not regularly but currently I do have Porteus running on an older Toshiba laptop and have used and dabbled with many different Distro's over the years and yes, Gimp and Blender are happy Linux 'buddies', I have Gimp running on both Win 7 and Win 10 and my friend has Blender running on his Mac  :)


Quote from: stoo23 on September 13, 2024, 12:16:08 PM
QuoteSadly I need to get a slightly better GPU before I can safely use Blender
Ha ha,.. possibly, more ram would probably be good as well :)

QuoteAlso do you use a Linux distro per chance?
No, not regularly but currently I do have Porteus nrunning on an older Toshiba laptop and have used and dabbled with many different Distro's over the years and yes, Gimp and Blender are sort of happy Linux 'buddies', I have Gimp running on both Win 7 and Win 10 and my friend has Blender running on his Mac  :)

nice  ;D! I'll admit I haven't ever used Linux before but I have hard they work superb on older machines. I have a 2011 Mac Mini (the one with a dvd thingy), and once I fix it up a little I'm bent straight on installing a distro. The early Minis were only able to be maxed out to about 4-8gb ram I think; which with the newer MacOs updates it poor machine would probably bust.

I guess it may be a bit silly to be excited for a OS I've never used- but it's liek opening a gift you haven't opened before. It just seems to have the best of both worlds- almost as if I'm opening Pandora's box. That may be a little dramatic but the amount of creativity I have seen in the Linux community is mind-boggling. There's apparently a distro of Hanna Montana (yes, Hanna Montana! I'm not making this up) that's based in Kubunto! If there's one of that than I can't imagine what else there may be.


Quote from: Greger on September 13, 2024, 09:45:09 AMThis new tech produces 3 legs and 4 arms? Fashions are going to get kinda wild. With 5 neck holes, wow, we get choices that we never had before to be, Cool!

I guess they are either preparing for a nuclear disaster... or they're dressing the E.T.!? (X-Files theme plays) ???