A Moment of Silence for “Irony” the Iron (19??-2023)

Started by SO_tailor, November 23, 2023, 03:00:14 PM

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OH Noooooo What have I done !!??,...  ::)  :D  :)  :P

Well, I WON'T be changing Mine to "Aussie, Aussie, Aussie,.. Oi, Oi, Oi" for Any amount of money or persuasion LOL




Any electrician can change it in about 10 minutes. A 5-year apprentice they learn far more than they ever did in the pass. They have to meet all codes and requirements for safety. Not many houses burn down from electrical reasons, anymore. Go to a legal business. They also have better cords than in the pass. If it doesn't have an adjustable temperature, maybe that can be added where plugged into the wall. Also, a red light when it is on. That is to notice if you forgot to turn it off when leaving. Plus, they have all the gadgets for checking problems it might have.
In modern houses today, unlike 20 years ago, they are computerized. Believe every socket is computerized. If something is not right it is shut off.


Not reading the whole thread, as long as the heater elements aren't 'open', meaning fried, a cord is easy. As Greger said, find local reputable little shop and they'll sort it fine.


QuoteIn modern houses today, unlike 20 years ago, they are computerized. Believe every socket is computerized

Computersized ??, Sorry, NOT actually Computerized, (well at least Not where I live), thankfully  ;)  :)
I think that would be a 'Recipe for Disaster'.
What I think you are describing / suggesting, is a "Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter" or GFCI Breaker, which these days are invariably 'fitted' in New installations at the Main Power Distribution board.

They VERY QUICKLY Act to Cut-Off the Mains before it gets to Kill you.
A bit 'simplified' but a GFCI Breaker works by having the 'Neutral' and 'Line' both pass through the middle of a toroidal coil, without physical connection to it.
As long as Current IN equals Current OUT, they cancel the electric field and the toroidal coil has no voltage on it.
If current out becomes less than current in because some of the current is going to ground by another route (like thru a human body), then the toroidal coil has voltage on it from the imbalance which will fire a relay to interrupt the connection.
It will do so in Milliseconds before damage can be done to a human.
It will function at VERY Small current imbalances !!
Cheers  8)


Quote from: stoo23 on November 25, 2023, 03:53:35 PM
Quotepass through the middle of a toroidal coil

does this mean I can talk about free energy again??  8)

Hope at the Americans had'a a nap filled Turkey Day/n'day after. Back to work!



You get dizzy, Stoo? It looks faster than the merry go round. Must be funnier. It's vertical, too!


There's handrails  ;D

Open contact motor room switch board, no handrails  ???

Some cave diver.. and mill bull gear spare next to finish mill motor room

Good shots of the roughing mill, and motor room. Yes that's a barbers chair  8) That'd've been my third, but restart project failed to mature. It's all gone now.

My second mill, also old McLouth but a cold mill. Thems were good days, dirty, but good...