Changing Hutch's Displayed Title

Started by stoo23, August 12, 2023, 10:59:43 AM

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Hi everyone, It was/is my intention to Keep Hutch Permanently 'listed' here on the Forum.
He is, as he was when still With us, listed as the administrator.

Clearly, that is no longer the actual case, so was thinking of Creating a New Membergroup, to allow changing the 'Displayed' Title on Hutch's Profile and Posts etc, for posterity and was simply wondering what YOU guys & gals thought might be appropriate ??



I will also be posting a similar suggestion on the MASM Forum, but one early suggestion was "Founder" ??


" 'Founder Boss' and all-around, much missed good egg "


I finally made the change here after having done so on the MASM Forum,.. but just changed it to:

"Forum Founder", as suggested by a long term member there and I like it, as it 'fits' above his name and avatar nicely on the displayed Post Profile  :)


Sorry Stewart, I only saw this now.  Forum Founder sounds good.
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