Technology Is Eating Fashion

Started by mithusingh, December 19, 2022, 07:51:24 PM

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Fashion companies that don't embrace technology are sitting ducks just waiting to be picked off by sharp-shooting software companies.

If you think you run a fashion business, you're wrong.

A technology business with a fashion focus? Sure. Anything else and you may as well wave the white flag because the rules of the rag trade are changing. You're either leading that change, or you're a sitting duck ready to be picked off by a sharp-shooting tech juggernaut.

Read more :


In the seventies, Tommy Nutter dragged Savile Row into the 1930s/40s. It's currently somewhere in the 1980s (judging by the shoulder pads). I don't think tailors are too preoccupied with fashion.  ;D


Like so many businesses use marketing. If you want the clothes of earl's go to Saville Row. Italians are probably more fashionable. In the past, some tailors only made white tie coats. You would need a large enough city and be one of the better tailors to do this. If you choose a smaller city you would be making a variety of clothes, unless you want a second job. Smaller community the tailors make for men,boys, women and girls. Now you are making everything. Those tailors can tell you a lot about fashions.


Read the blog, will read some more... So right; fashion is wholly consumated by technology, marketing ad the rest of it; for the result go check the piles in hi-street shops!

The good news is, as much as fashion is controled by technology, it actually chokes on style!


Style and fashion have two different modern dressing purposes. Making a garment from the past is for a difference purpose as is guessing about what will be worn a 100 years from now.  Or Making for a strange movie.
The article is basically what I learned as a child about making custom clothes, and, the same as graphic arts  in high school. The difference is merely using a computer and less thinking, because the computer does it. "When properly organised, a human or AI designer can easily reference this library to assemble a unique product without having to create anything from scratch."
In the pass tailors made all the clothes. Fashions have been around long before mass-produced clothes. Mass-produced enabled middleclass and poorer to enjoy fashions but, limited. Styles last five years and more. Fashions are short live. One wearing to a few years. If you can't think outside the box of pattern directions, then you are limited. Besides, even pattern style directions don't always put the goods where they belong.


I was taught that tailors make the desires that is in the customers heart. This is not limited to styles or fashions.


Greger, I doubt that many people understand that now.
Schneider sind auch Leute


The world is changing. But we should never put our minds asleep by handing everything over to computers.
Reminds me of a cartoon where people did that for centuries. It was a war against the machines to get their lives back.


I have used computers for, well almost, the best part of my life. Mostly for design purposes and ranging from Sun and Silicon Graphics to Macs. Trust me; no computer will find a sulution before being fed a problem first. No tool, no matter how good, should limit creative options. Then again, this whole discussion may say something about how "footwear fashion". with the help of algorythms and software has gradually been reduced to a handfull of sneaker brands...


Sorry but there's a difference between "Fashion Companies" and tailor shops. Gregor said it best:
Quote from: Gerry on December 19, 2022, 08:22:32 PM
In the seventies, Tommy Nutter dragged Savile Row into the 1930s/40s. It's currently somewhere in the 1980s (judging by the shoulder pads). I don't think tailors are too preoccupied with fashion.  ;D


One thing good about fashions is that it helps children's minds develop. Older people have too many things on their mind. Styles work very well for them. When I was way younger listening to younger men (even in their 30s) talking about being sent home to change into business suits. Get out of the fashion suits. Fashions clothes are fun clothes. They distract from working. Somethings have come from fashions. One of them is crease trousers. Don't remember some others. Creases were "terrible" high fashion. Those naughty teenagers. How horrible! You can even read about a king and son with strong different opinions. The old man was probably buried with creases. The creases might have become the norm in 1917.
If you read about Henry Poole fashions were part of his life. His dad had Henry's friends come in another door. That door became the Saville Row door. Other tailors started opening on that road. Read that Henry Poole had three shops. Saville Row for the wealthy. Another part of town for the middle class.  One more for fashions. There was no mass production in those days. Like customer and tailor designing a style while on the customer - fashions are done the same. One is aimed at style and the is aimed at fashion. If you understand the current fashion, which is ever changing, your options are far more than what is in the store.
Taught, different doors for different types of customers. Do not put them together in the same waiting rooms.


Quote from: SO_tailor on December 25, 2022, 06:56:09 AM
Sorry but there's a difference between "Fashion Companies" and tailor shops. Gregor said it best:
Quote from: Gerry on December 19, 2022, 08:22:32 PM
In the seventies, Tommy Nutter dragged Savile Row into the 1930s/40s. It's currently somewhere in the 1980s (judging by the shoulder pads). I don't think tailors are too preoccupied with fashion.  ;D

You're absolutely right, I didn't notice that. My apologies!  :)


Fashions are not about what marketers say. Companies hire marketers to help sale a product so they get rich and don't lose their shirt. Fashions come from culture.  Not Companies and marketers. Customers who were deceived becomes like an animal with a ring in the nose being lead about (company greed).Fashions and styles are important. They do not replace the other. They are two different kinds of clothes to meet two entirely different needs.


Quote from: Gerry on December 28, 2022, 12:28:48 AM
Quote from: SO_tailor on December 25, 2022, 06:56:09 AM
Sorry but there's a difference between "Fashion Companies" and tailor shops. Gregor said it best:
Quote from: Gerry on December 19, 2022, 08:22:32 PM
In the seventies, Tommy Nutter dragged Savile Row into the 1930s/40s. It's currently somewhere in the 1980s (judging by the shoulder pads). I don't think tailors are too preoccupied with fashion.  ;D

You're absolutely right, I didn't notice that. My apologies!  :)

Oh I was talking to the OP. Sorry i should have made it more clear.


Quote from: SO_tailor on December 31, 2022, 03:53:31 AM
Quote from: Gerry on December 28, 2022, 12:28:48 AM
Quote from: SO_tailor on December 25, 2022, 06:56:09 AM
Sorry but there's a difference between "Fashion Companies" and tailor shops. Gregor said it best:
Quote from: Gerry on December 19, 2022, 08:22:32 PM
In the seventies, Tommy Nutter dragged Savile Row into the 1930s/40s. It's currently somewhere in the 1980s (judging by the shoulder pads). I don't think tailors are too preoccupied with fashion.  ;D

You're absolutely right, I didn't notice that. My apologies!  :)

Oh I was talking to the OP. Sorry i should have made it more clear.

No problem, I understand what you were trying to say now. Misunderstandings on both sides!

Having said that, I was being presumptuous in thinking that everyone on this forum is only concerned with tailoring. Over the decades there have been a number of tailors who've worked hand-in-hand with fashion companies, or end up in that field because it's more lucrative; and I dare say that's the situation for some members here, in which case the original post has some relevance. So I was/am rapping myself on the knuckles a little.

Personally, I feel that a well-tailored garment is timeless. Even if it incorporates a nod to fashions of the time, it will still look great years later.